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Tart cherries: nutrition, storage and recipes

Tart cherries: nutrition, storage and recipes
Tart cherries: nutrition, storage and recipes


SALT LAKE CITY — Tart cherries are a very common crop here in Utah. In fact, Utah is the second-largest producer of tart cherries in the country after Michigan.

Tart cherries are also known as dessert cherries and are used in pies and cobbles.

Santaquin cherry farmers have just finished an intensive harvest season that often involves around-the-clock harvesting for a month.

Benefits of Tart Cherries

Cindy Jenkins, assistant professor of family and community affairs at USU Extension, spoke with KSL Greenhouse about the benefits of cherries and the best way to eat them.

Jenkins said the fruit has three main benefits.

“Cherry juice is highly nutritious and is packed with vitamin C and other nutrients. It's also anti-inflammatory and rich in antioxidants. All of these great properties can help you recover faster after exercise, so if you're just starting out, drink cherry juice,” Jenkins said.


Jenkins said tart cherries can be stored in the freezer for about six months before they begin to lose quality.

Tart cherries, like many other fruits, can also be canned.

“With a hot pack, because of the altitude, it will only take 20 to 30 minutes. With a fresh pack, the cherries don't get warm at all, so it will take 35 minutes for a pint or quart,” Jenkins says.

Cherries can also be dried to make a delicious snack.

“I love it. It's tart and delicious, so it helps me not overeat and has a lot of health benefits. I'm eating something that's good for me,” Jenkins says.

Not your mother's cherry pie

Jenkins tested and shared three different recipes, but wanted to try more than just the basic cherry pie.

The first dish was an unexpectedly flavorful one: Jenkins created chicken pesto pasta topped with cherries.

“I bake in the oven, so I never thought the combination of pesto chicken and cherries would taste so good, so I was really excited,” Jenkins said.

This dish can also be tried with the more traditional cherry tomatoes.

Jenkins also sampled the snacks.

She created a humble energy boost that's easy to make and perfect for when you don't have much time to prepare.

I combined the classic oatmeal, peanut butter, and chia seeds with some cherries straight from the freezer.

Not to worry, she also made dessert: Jenkins tried a tart cherry crumble.

For detailed recipes, KSL Green House Facebook page.

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