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With Japan issuing a 'major earthquake' warning, how should tourists in Hong Kong cope?

With Japan issuing a 'major earthquake' warning, how should tourists in Hong Kong cope?
With Japan issuing a 'major earthquake' warning, how should tourists in Hong Kong cope?


Japan remained the top destination for tourists from Hong Kong, attracting 1.28 million visitors from the city in the first six months of the year, up 16 percent from the same period in 2019.

The newspaper discusses here ways to check the possibility of earthquakes in Japan and how to deal with them if the worst happens.

1. How do visitors to Japan get information or warnings?

Travelers from Hong Kong to Japan can get earthquake information and warnings from a variety of sources.

Travelers can download apps such as Safety Tips from the Japan Tourism Agency and the privately run Yurekuru Call, which sends alerts about impending earthquakes, with multiple languages ​​available.

Many hotels, tourist information centers, and public places in Japan have earthquake early warning systems that provide alerts via loudspeaker and mobile phone notifications, also in a variety of languages.

Japanese television and radio stations also broadcast emergency information and updates during periods of high seismic activity and natural disasters, with broadcaster NHK offering English-language broadcasts. Pedestrians in the Shibuya area of ​​Tokyo, Japan, as the Japanese government asks people to observe safety rules in the event of a possible “super-terror quake.” Photo: Bloomberg2. Where can people take shelter in the event of a large-scale earthquake?

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government's disaster preparedness guide advises people indoors to take shelter under a sturdy table or desk.

If a table is not available, they should bend over, cover their head and neck with their hands, and take shelter against an interior wall away from windows or shelves that might fall.

If caught outside, the guide said people should stay away from buildings, street lights and power lines, all of which could be down, and take shelter in open areas.

Buildings built in the country after the 1980s were generally designed to withstand a magnitude 7 earthquake, making them relatively safe, said Stephen Huen Kwok Chuen, CEO of travel agency EGL, who has worked in Japan for about a decade.

“What we should be concerned about are things like pendant lights and cabinets that might fall over,” he added.

He added that tsunamis usually pose a greater danger than earthquakes, and advised visitors near coastal areas to follow evacuation routes used by residents because tourists may not be aware of safer higher ground nearby.

3. What assistance is available in Japan?

Travelers to Hong Kong can seek assistance from a variety of resources.

The first point of contact should be the emergency services, which are called 119 for fire and ambulance services and 110 for the police.

Hong Kong citizens can also use the city's 24-hour immigration hotline at +852 1868, or the WhatsApp service 1868.

The Chinese Embassy in Tokyo can also provide assistance and information.

The number is +81-3-3403-3388 and the address is 3-4-33 Moto-Azabu Minato-Ku Tokyo.

4. Is there a need for a Japanese style emergency kit?

Japanese families have a tradition of keeping an emergency kit at home, which includes essential items such as bottled water, non-perishable food, and a flashlight with spare batteries.

But Hoen said it would be impractical to advise travelers to carry too much stuff with them.

He advised people to make sure they have extra water and power banks to charge mobile devices.

“The most important items are water, which should be enough to last the so-called golden 72-hour window, along with your phone and chargers,” Hoen said.




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