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Miracle on August 9: Earthquake spoils Hezbollah’s plans

Miracle on August 9: Earthquake spoils Hezbollah’s plans


In our collective memory, the Ninth of Av was a solemn day, marked by the destruction of the First and Second Temples. But this year, the day witnessed what many of us consider a modern-day miracle—a testament to divine intervention that could not have come at a more important time.

Reports confirm that a 5.4 magnitude earthquake struck Syria and Lebanon, profoundly affecting the region. This was not just a seismic event; it may have been an unexpected but divine act that thwarted a grave threat to the Jewish nation. Hezbollah, Iran’s long-established proxy, was preparing to launch an attack on Israel—a direct, deliberately planned affront to the 9th of August. Perhaps the group’s many underground tunnels, which were packed with weapons, were reduced to rubble in an act of God to protect His children, potentially stopping Hezbollah’s evil plan before it could be realized.

It is hard to imagine that the earth shaking on the very day Hezbollah was intent on sending Israel into mourning once again was a coincidence. As the tunnels collapsed and their arsenals were buried, what could have been a devastating attack turned into a day of incredible relief and gratitude.

Throughout history, Jews have faced enemies who sought to dismantle our spirit and our faith. This latest event is yet another example of how divine protection remains unshakable, no matter the forces arrayed against us. The Ninth of Av, normally a day of sorrow and reflection, has become a moment when we can see God’s hand at work, transforming our potential despair into potential reassurance. Seismic waves are seen on a screen during a demonstration of the earthquake early warning system, which sets off sirens if a nationwide network of 120 seismic monitoring stations detects a strong earthquake, at the Geological Survey of Israel in Jerusalem. (Photo: Amir Cohen/Reuters)

It is possible to say that Iran and Hezbollah are now suffering from this unexpected turmoil. As Jews, this event may serve as a signal for us to come together—not in mourning, but in rejoicing at the divine intervention that may have prevented what could have been a catastrophic event. While Tisha B’Av continues to remind us of our past losses, it also serves as a powerful symbol of divine resilience and protection.

Burying Hezbollah's Secret Ambitions

Our historical lens allows us to see that despite the tragedies we have witnessed in the past, God’s protection has not diminished. Perhaps Hezbollah’s secret ambitions have now been buried, turned to ashes before they have a chance to harm us.

Let us take this unexpected turn of events as a confirmation of our faith and a powerful sign that the aftermath of the earthquake can lead to moments of redemption. Each tremor of that earthquake was not just a physical devastation but a spiritual triumph—a reminder that the forces that protect us are far greater than those that threaten us. Let us continue to find strength and comfort in knowing that even in our darkest times, we are not alone and that God will always protect us.




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