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Magnitude 4.7 Earthquake Hits Big Island and Beyond Early Morning: Kauai Now

Magnitude 4.7 Earthquake Hits Big Island and Beyond Early Morning: Kauai Now
Magnitude 4.7 Earthquake Hits Big Island and Beyond Early Morning: Kauai Now


If you don't feel that, wow.

Big Island – and beyond – was hit by a 4.7 magnitude earthquake at 12:52 a.m. today, hitting 9 miles south of Fern Forest in Buna at a depth of 4 miles below sea level.

Screenshot of interactive earthquake map from USGS

The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory reported that this morning's earthquake had no apparent impact on Kilauea or Mauna Loa. Seismic activity on Kilauea's upper East Rift Zone has increased again over the past two days.

Most earthquakes in the area where this earthquake occurred are caused by a sudden movement of the southern side of Kilauea, which moves southeast over the oceanic crust.

The location, depth, and waveforms recorded as part of today's earthquake are consistent with slip along a fault related to the Southern Detachment Fault.

Aftershocks are likely in the coming days or weeks.

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“I didn’t feel anything at the volcano,” Virginia Baker said in a Facebook post early this morning.

She wasn't alone. At least two other people, one from Ocean View and another from the lower Kaumana area of ​​Hilo, reported feeling nothing.

But they seem to have been very much in the minority.

There were more than 250 comments on nine Facebook posts in groups and elsewhere by Big Islanders asking if anyone else felt the quake almost immediately after it struck. They also garnered hundreds of likes and other reactions.

There were 454 official “felt” reports submitted by citizen scientists from across the islands to the USGS, more than 300 of them within the first hour alone after the earthquake.

This included 119 people from Hilo, 70 people from Pahoa, and 67 people from Keahu. There were also 42 people from Mountain View, 40 people from Volcano, and 35 people from Courtesytown.

Screenshot of the photo attached to the post in the We Love Kilauea and Mauna Loa Volcanoes Facebook group. The big orange dot represents this morning's earthquake. The other quakes coincide with other earthquakes recorded at Kilauea and elsewhere.

Felt's farthest report of the quake's epicenter came from Waimea, Kauai, about 347 miles to the northwest.

Most community reports were of mild shaking, with instruments recording moderate shaking. No damage to buildings or infrastructure is expected.

Bono Oway Landford said in a comment that the feeling of the vibrator was “absolutely crazy.”

“My son jumped out of bed and covered his shelves of six Lego food projects with his tiny body, not so much scared of the earthquake as he was scared of seeing all his work scattered on the floor,” Chuck Wagon commented on a 12:54 a.m. post in the Hilo Happenings group. “I think the old farmhouse his great-grandfather built must have seen hundreds of these earthquakes and still be full of life.”

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Neil Lapinig commented that the parrots in his backyard, which number about 45, started “going crazy” in their enclosure seconds before the earthquake struck.

It was around 12:45 a.m. The same thing happened with the last earthquake they experienced. He described it as a “hallucination.”

Several people commented that the earthquake shook their entire home. Linda Lee Brown was one of them and said that the pictures hanging on the walls of her home on North Glenwood Road shook unnaturally.

Another common experience is finding yourself shaking and waking up, as the earthquake jolts you out of your sleep: “Oh my God, the earthquake woke me up. I thought I was imagining it!” Aubrey Gamble writes.

Others reported feeling “very shaken.”

Some enjoyed their answers more when they told their friends if they felt the vibration.

“Yes, sorry,” Waffles Gibbs wrote in response to Lee Lyons in a post on the Hilo Happenings website. “I had Taco Bell.”

The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory continues to monitor Kilauea and Mauna Loa volcanoes for any changes.




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