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One year after the Morocco earthquake and Libya floods – Morocco

One year after the Morocco earthquake and Libya floods – Morocco
One year after the Morocco earthquake and Libya floods – Morocco


Benghazi/Rabat/Beirut/Geneva, 4 September 2024 – One year after the devastating earthquake in Morocco and the catastrophic floods in Libya, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, together with the Moroccan and Libyan Red Crescents, remains committed to supporting recovery and reconstruction efforts in these severely affected areas. These disasters, which struck within a few days of each other in September 2023, left deep scars on the affected communities, but also demonstrated the strength and resilience of those affected.

Morocco: A Year of Recovery and Resilience

On September 8, 2023, a 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck the High Atlas Mountains in Morocco, affecting more than 660,000 people and causing widespread destruction. More than 59,000 homes were damaged or destroyed, leaving 380,000 people homeless. From the outset, the Moroccan Red Crescent Society mobilized to provide emergency assistance, including search and rescue operations, first aid, and the distribution of essential relief items.

Speaking about the past year, Dr. Mohamed Bendali, Head of Disaster Management, First Aid and Youth Volunteering at the Moroccan Red Crescent, said: “The scale of the devastation was enormous, but so was the response. Our volunteers and staff worked tirelessly to support the affected communities, providing not only material aid but also psychosocial support to help people cope with the trauma of the disaster.”

The focus has now shifted to early recovery, with efforts focused on providing isolated and sustainable shelters, temporary classrooms and clinics, enhancing access to clean water and sanitation, and rebuilding livelihoods, while also seeking to complement the support provided by the government to affected families. Despite the challenges, the Refugee Commission remains committed to supporting affected families for as long as necessary.

Libya: Coping with the Consequences of Unprecedented Flooding

In early September 2023, Storm Danielle dumped heavy rains on Libya’s northeastern coast, causing catastrophic flooding that killed more than 5,900 people and left more than 43,000 homeless. The failure of two dams above the city—the first at around 11 p.m. on September 10, the second closer to 1 a.m. on September 11—released catastrophic amounts of water into the city of Derna.

The Libyan Red Crescent Society was on the ground immediately after the disaster, providing critical emergency assistance, including search and rescue, first aid, and the distribution of food, water and shelter materials. Tragically, the disaster also claimed the lives of several Red Crescent volunteers who were working to save others.

“One year on, the pain of loss is still deeply felt in the communities we serve. But people’s resilience is remarkable. We have continued to support those most affected, including the thousands who remain displaced, as they rebuild their lives and homes,” said Omar Joda, Secretary General of the Libyan Red Crescent.

Looking ahead, the Libyan Red Crescent is moving towards long-term recovery and resilience by prioritizing three key areas: First, increasing attention to recovery and resilience planning and implementation, ensuring that communities are equipped to withstand future shocks and recover effectively. Second, the Libyan Red Crescent will strengthen its capacity, preparedness and readiness. Third, the Libyan Red Crescent will strengthen security management practices to protect its operations and staff, particularly in challenging environments, while ensuring accountability in all its work to maintain trust and transparency within the communities it serves.

The IFRC’s emergency appeal for Libya, which aimed to raise CHF 20 million to meet the wide-ranging needs, has so far raised CHF 12.4 million. These funds have been crucial in supporting 130,000 people with essential services, including shelter, health care and psychosocial support. The IFRC is also working to strengthen the Libyan Red Crescent Society’s capacity to respond to future disasters by renovating key facilities and equipping the Emergency Operations Centre in Derna.

Looking to the Future: A Long Road to Recovery

Both Morocco and Libya face a long and difficult road to recovery. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, together with the Moroccan and Libyan Red Crescents and other Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies around the world, will continue to stand by these communities, providing the necessary support to ensure their recovery and build their resilience to future disasters.

“The events of the past year were a stark reminder of the vulnerability of communities in disaster-prone areas. But they also highlighted the importance of local preparedness and the incredible impact of collective humanitarian efforts. We are committed to supporting the Moroccan and Libyan Red Crescents in their ongoing work to help these communities rebuild and thrive,” said Dr. Hossam El Sharkawy, IFRC Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa.

For more information or to request an interview on/from Morocco or Libya – or from an IFRC spokesperson able to speak on both – please contact: [email protected]

In Geneva: Tommaso Della Longa: +41 79 708 43 67

Andrew Thomas: +41 76 367 65 87

In Beirut: May Sayegh: +961 761 744 68




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