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Spanish PM discusses Ukraine, trade during meeting with Xi Jinping in China

Spanish PM discusses Ukraine, trade during meeting with Xi Jinping in China


BEIJING Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez discussed the conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza and the need for close, deep and balanced relations between Spain and China during a meeting with Chinese leader Xi Jinping, the Spanish government said.

“The second trip of the President of the Spanish Government to China in less than two years demonstrates the common will of the two countries to maintain regular dialogue at the highest level in their bilateral relations,” the government statement said.

Talks between Sanchez and Xi on Monday at the Diaoyutai State Guest House in Beijing focused on the conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, with the Spanish president stressing the need to work toward peace with the participation of the United Nations. China is one of the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council that wields veto power.

Spain is a member of NATO, which China accuses of inciting Russian President Vladimir Putin to launch his full-scale invasion of Ukraine more than two years ago.

Snchez, who also met his counterpart Li Qiang, said: “We want to build bridges to jointly defend a fair trade order that enables the growth of our economies and benefits our industries and citizens,” according to the government statement.

Snchez and Chinese officials made statements in support of free trade and promoting cultural exchanges and tourism, according to Chinese state broadcaster CCTV, but announced no details in an ongoing dispute over electric vehicles.

We hope Spain will continue to provide a fair, just, safe and non-discriminatory business environment for Chinese companies to invest and do business, Xi said, according to CCTV.

Chinese President Xi Jinping, right, attends his meeting with Spanish President...

Chinese President Xi Jinping, right, attends his meeting with Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez at Diayoutai in Beijing, China, September 9, 2024. Credit: AP/Andrés Martinez Casares

Sanchez said Spain supports the principles of free trade and open markets and does not support a trade war, according to CCTV.

Trade is one of the most contentious issues between China and Spain. Spain was among the EU members that earlier this year expressed support for the imposition of 36.7% tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles. The Chinese government responded by launching an investigation into pork imports from the EU.

European pork exports to China peaked at €7.4 billion ($7.9 billion) in 2020, when Beijing had to turn abroad to meet domestic demand after its pig farms were decimated by a swine epidemic. European pork exports to China have plummeted since then, reaching €2.5 billion ($2.6 billion) last year. Nearly half of that total came from Spain.

Tensions over pork have not stopped Spain from welcoming Chinese carmaker Chery's plan to open an electric vehicle factory in Barcelona.

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, left, attends his meeting with...

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, left, attends his meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping at Diayoutai in Beijing, China, September 9, 2024. Credit: AP/Andrés Martinez Casares

The Spanish center-left socialist leader also attended a business forum in Beijing for Spanish and Chinese companies before heading to Shanghai. On Tuesday, he will attend other business events and the inauguration of the Cervantes Institute, a center promoting the Spanish language and culture.

Mr. Snchez also met with the head of the ceremonial legislature, Zhao Leji. Mr. Snchez visited China in March 2023, when Spain held the rotating presidency of the European Union.




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