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The WHO analysis highlights the huge unmet needs for rehabilitation in Gaza

The WHO analysis highlights the huge unmet needs for rehabilitation in Gaza
The WHO analysis highlights the huge unmet needs for rehabilitation in Gaza


At least a quarter, or 22,500 of those injured in Gaza by July 23 are estimated to have life-changing injuries and require rehabilitation services now and for years to come, according to a World Health Organization (WHO) analysis of the types of injuries resulting from the ongoing conflict in Gaza: Assessing post-trauma rehabilitation needs in Gaza using injury data from emergency medical teams.

The analysis showed that severe limb injuries, estimated at between 13,455 and 17,550, are the main driver of the need for rehabilitation. Many of the injured have more than one injury. Between 3,105 and 4,050 limb amputations also occurred, according to the report. Large jumps in spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries and major burns contribute to the total number of life-changing injuries, which include many thousands of women and children.

“The huge increase in rehabilitation needs is happening in parallel with the ongoing decimation of the health system,” said Dr. Richard Peeperkorn, WHO Representative in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. “Patients can't get the care they need. Acute rehabilitation services are severely disrupted and specialist care for complex injuries is unavailable, putting patients' lives at risk. Immediate and long-term support is urgently needed to meet the enormous rehabilitation needs.”

Currently, only 17 of Gaza's 36 hospitals remain partially functional, while primary health care and community-level services are often suspended or rendered unavailable due to insecurity, attacks, and repeated evacuation orders. Gaza's only limb reconstruction and rehabilitation center, located in the Nasser Medical Complex and supported by the WHO, ceased operations in December 2023 due to a lack of supplies and specialized health workers who were forced to leave in search of safety, and later damaged after raids in February 2024. Tragically, much of the rehabilitation workforce in Gaza is now displaced. Reports indicate that by May 10, 39 physiotherapists had been killed. Hospital rehabilitation and prosthetic services are no longer available, and the number of people with injuries requiring assistive devices far exceeds the equipment available in Gaza. Partners report that supplies of basic aid products such as wheelchairs and crutches have run out and that it is difficult to restock due to the limited flow of aid into Gaza.

The analysis focuses exclusively on new injuries sustained since the escalation of hostilities in October 2023. However, tens of thousands of Palestinians in Gaza were already living with pre-existing chronic conditions and impairments, putting them at significant risk due to lack of adequate services.

Estimates in the analysis will be used by WHO and partners to plan for increases in rehabilitation-related services and contribute to long-term health planning and policy-making.

In the midst of ongoing hostilities, it is critical to ensure access to all basic health services, including rehabilitation, to prevent illness and death. WHO reiterates its call for a ceasefire, which is essential to rebuild the health system to cope with escalating needs.




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