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Donald Trump's performance in public debate criticized by local newspaper

Donald Trump's performance in public debate criticized by local newspaper
Donald Trump's performance in public debate criticized by local newspaper


The editorial board of the Palm Beach Post, former President Donald Trump's hometown newspaper, praised Vice President Kamala Harris' performance in Tuesday night's presidential debate, declaring the Democratic nominee the clear winner.

There are plenty of signs that Harris will emerge victorious in her first and likely only on-stage face-off with Trump as the two men vie for the Oval Office. Early polls indicate a majority of viewers believe the vice president outplayed her Republican opponent, and Trump was ridiculed by members of his own party for failing to stay on topic throughout the 90-minute exchange.

The Post's editorial board echoed other analysts in an editorial published Wednesday afternoon, writing that the night's “first and foremost” victory “goes to the American people,” who were given “the chance to see two candidates with two very different policy agendas, two contrasting political priorities and two very distinct visions for the nation they hope to lead.”

Former President Donald Trump debates with Vice President Kamala Harris (not pictured) on September 10 in Philadelphia. Trump's local newspaper on Wednesday called Harris and “the American people” the big winners of Tuesday night's presidential debate. Former President Donald Trump debates with Vice President Kamala Harris (not pictured) on September 10 in Philadelphia. Trump's local newspaper on Wednesday called Harris and “the American people” the big winners of Tuesday night's presidential debate. More Win McNamee/Getty Images

“It was clearly Harris who won Tuesday night,” the editorial board added, writing that pop music megastar Taylor Swift’s endorsement of the vice president was the “icing on the cake” for Democrats.

The Post wrote that Harris had met “the highest bar set by the media and a skeptical public.” She pitched her agenda to voters who may still be undecided and “dominated the stage and the debate, looking into the camera to please her audience and confronting Trump with a mix of disdain, humor and the occasional ‘God bless you’ look of sympathy.”

“In essence, she made her opponent look small,” the paper added. “Trump tried. Unfortunately for him, his apparent disregard for debate preparation and specific policies shone through.”

The editorial board criticized the former president for not emphasizing Harris' ties to President Joe Biden's “problematic border policies and inflation,” writing that the former president instead gave “a debate performance that devolved into a fight over the size of his campaign rallies and a false scapegoating of immigrants — particularly Haitians — for the consumption of their Springfield, Ohio, neighbors' pets.”

“His refusal to answer direct questions about a national abortion bill, Ukraine and the 2020 elections didn’t help,” the editorial said. “Nor did citing Hungarian autocrat Viktor Orban as a professional reference.”

Newsweek reached out to the Trump campaign for comment Wednesday evening.

Both campaigns claimed victory after Tuesday's debate. Harris campaign manager Jen O'Malley Dillon said in a statement that while the vice president “dominated the stage on every issue that matters to the American people … Trump was completely incoherent.”

Trump’s team praised her performance and accused the moderators of the debate, hosted by ABC News, of favoring Harris throughout the evening. The former president was subjected to multiple fact-checks after making false statements about Democrats’ stance on abortion and baseless allegations that Haitian migrants are eating pets in Springfield, Ohio.

Harris' team immediately offered Trump another debate after Tuesday's match, but the former president suggested he didn't need to agree to another debate since he “won” the first one. Some experts told Newsweek on Wednesday that there was a risk that agreeing to another debate could hurt Trump's reelection chances in November.

The race for the White House remains increasingly tight, and it is unclear whether Tuesday's debate will have a major impact on either candidate's chances.

As the Post’s editorial board wrote Wednesday, “The 2024 presidential campaign remains tight, with polls showing statistical ties in most of the key swing states. But this week’s debate made it harder for “swing voters” to find out more about either candidate. The debate highlighted the candidates’ views. Now it’s up to voters to take them into account.”




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