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US, UK fear Russia is aiding Iran's nuclear weapons programme

US, UK fear Russia is aiding Iran's nuclear weapons programme
US, UK fear Russia is aiding Iran's nuclear weapons programme


US and British leaders are increasingly concerned that Russia could share nuclear secrets with Iran to boost its weapons program in exchange for ballistic missiles to bomb Ukraine, according to a disturbing new report.

President Biden and British Prime Minister Keir Starmer shared their concerns privately during a meeting in Washington on Friday – as the two leaders sought to strengthen their military cooperation over the alleged deal between the Kremlin and Tehran, sources told the Guardian.

While the exact details of this possible exchange remain unclear, intelligence sources believe Russia is providing specialists to help streamline Iran's nuclear program as it increases its stockpile of enriched uranium.

U.S. and British officials fear Iran's nuclear program may be receiving help from Russia. AP

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken sounded the alarm about the alleged deal last week during a trip to London, following reports that Iran had supplied Moscow with ballistic missiles.

American and British officials quickly concluded that Russia had to make the trade worthwhile for Iran.

“For its part, Russia shares the technology that Iran is seeking, it's a two-way street, including on nuclear issues as well as some space information,” Blinken told reporters Tuesday.

Blinken's allegations come as Britain, France and Germany issued a joint warning that Tehran's stockpile of highly enriched uranium had “continued to grow significantly, without any credible civilian justification.”

The G7 also united to condemn the arms deal between Iran and Russia on Saturday, with foreign ministers from all seven countries calling for an end to the swap.

Iran must immediately cease all support for Russia's illegal and unjustifiable war against Ukraine and halt these transfers of ballistic missiles, drones and related technologies, which pose a direct threat to the Ukrainian people as well as to European and international security more broadly, the ministers said in a statement.

President Joe Biden, right, meets with British Prime Minister Keir Starmer to discuss the alleged Russia-Iran deal. AFP via Getty Images

Iran has repeatedly said it is not seeking to create a nuclear bomb with its enriched uranium, despite skepticism from much of the world.

Although Iran's nuclear capabilities remain a closely guarded secret, their development could benefit from significant support from Russia, which possesses the world's largest arsenal of nuclear weapons.

Last May, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) warned that Tehran possessed around 141.5 kg of uranium enriched to 60%.

Once a nation stocks about 92.5 pounds of uranium enriched to 60 percent, making a nuclear weapon becomes theoretically possible, the agency said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has been accused of passing nuclear secrets to Iran in exchange for weapons to be used against Ukraine. Getty Images

Iran had reached a deal in 2015 to freeze its nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief from the United States and its Western allies, but former President Donald Trump withdrew from the accord in 2018.

Fears of a nuclear-armed Iran have also been fuelled by the war in Gaza, with Iran vowing to launch a direct attack on Israel after the assassination of Hamas's top official in Tehran.




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