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Walk to End Alzheimer's Raises Awareness and Funds Across Colorado

Walk to End Alzheimer's Raises Awareness and Funds Across Colorado


This fall, thousands of family members, caregivers and advocates of Coloradans living with Alzheimer’s will gather across the state for the Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s.

To raise funds to provide vital services to families and support research to find a cure, the Alzheimer's Association of Colorado plans to host a total of 13 Walks to End Alzheimer's in 2024. The goal for the 13 Colorado Walks is approximately $2.6 million.

Denver7 is a proud partner of the Colorado Statewide Walk to End Alzheimer's. Denver7 Anchor/Reporter Amy Wadas He will be emceeing the Denver Walk, which will be held on September 21st in City Park.

Beyond raising funds, the walk connects thousands of Coloradans with a common bond: caring for a loved one with the most common form of dementia. Of the more than 7 million Americans living with Alzheimer's, approximately 91,000 are Coloradans. Alzheimer's is the seventh leading cause of death and the only major disease with no prevention or cure.

“The toll from Alzheimer's is rising inexorably and will continue to rise until a cure is found,” said Jim Hamereff, vice president of the Alzheimer's Association of Colorado. “Every dollar raised for research to find a cure is an investment in our health and the health of future generations.”

Proceeds from the Walk are the primary source of funding for the Alzheimer's Association of Colorado, allowing them to continue providing information, programs and services to people diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, as well as their families and caregivers, all of which are provided free of charge.

Walking also supports research to find a cure. The Alzheimer's Association is the world's leading nonprofit organization supporting Alzheimer's research, currently funding more than $430 million in 1,110 projects in 56 countries on six continents.

This fall's Colorado Walk to End Alzheimer's will take place on the following dates:

August 24, Stirling

September 7, Steamboat Springs

Sept. 14, Fort Morgan, Montrose, Pueblo

Sept. 21, Denver, Durango, Eagle

September 28, Colorado Springs

Oct. 5: Boulder, Fort Collins, Grand Junction, Greeley

To register, volunteer or donate to one of Colorado's 13 Walks to End Alzheimer's, Learn more.

Important Facts about Alzheimer's Disease

  • Colorado's 90,800 people are among the 7 million Americans living with Alzheimer's disease.
  • Alzheimer's causes more deaths than breast and prostate cancer combined
  • Since 2000, deaths from Alzheimer's disease have increased by 145%, while deaths from heart disease have fallen by 7%.
  • Two-thirds of people diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease are women, and two-thirds of family caregivers are also women.
  • In Colorado alone, more than 177,000 family members and friends are working as unpaid caregivers, providing an estimated 307 million hours of support in 2023 at a value of more than $7.2 billion.

This article was paid for through an in-kind partnership.

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