Resilient Force Shines After Morocco Earthquake 2023 – Morocco
![Resilient Force Shines After Morocco Earthquake 2023 – Morocco Resilient Force Shines After Morocco Earthquake 2023 – Morocco](https://reliefweb.int/modules/custom/reliefweb_meta/images/disaster-type/EQ.png)
Direct Relief Society's humanitarian activity during the week from 09/13/2024 to 09/20/2024
Written by staff
Over the past seven days, Direct Relief has delivered 604 shipments of urgently needed medical supplies to all 50 U.S. states and territories and 13 countries around the world. The shipments contained 4.7 million daily doses of medicines.
Medicines and supplies shipped this week included personal protective equipment, surgical supplies, treatments for rare diseases, and more.
One year on, Morocco continues to recover from devastating earthquake
The 2023 Morocco earthquake devastated the region, with more than 2,900 people killed and over 5,500 injured as a result of the quake. Internal displacement in the country peaked at an estimated 500,000 people, and more than 50,000 homes were completely or partially destroyed across all five affected provinces. The remote Amazigh villages in the High Atlas Mountains, which were severely affected by the earthquake, are also home to many of the country’s most vulnerable groups.
In response to the earthquake, Direct Relief mobilized more than 20 tons of material aid as well as more than US$600,000 to fund acute and long-term recovery efforts focusing on search and rescue operations, emergency maternal and child health services, ambulance purchases, flexible solar power for health centers, and construction of a community health center.
Direct Relief staff recently visited Morocco to meet with partner organizations that received emergency funding in response to the 2023 earthquake.
Direct Relief visited the ongoing construction of a community health centre in the Maishad area of Tinsgart district, Al Haouz province. This basic health centre will serve 687 families in remote villages affected by the earthquake in the Tinsgart area of the Atlas Mountains and is expected to be completed in early 2025.
Direct Relief workers also visited the Asni Women’s Health Centre, which provides labour and delivery, pre- and post-natal care and general gynaecological services to the area, with doctors there seeing an average of 80 women a day.
The clinic’s 10 rooftop solar panels provide the energy needed to continuously run essential medical equipment including neonatal incubators, vaccine refrigerators, and patient monitors, as well as the center’s administrative systems. The installation is one of 30 centers receiving solar panel systems as part of a $105,000 grant from Direct Relief to fund long-term earthquake recovery, implemented by a local Moroccan NGO, the Elie Foundation.
Overdose numbers in the United States are declining.
For the first time in a decade, drug overdose deaths in the United States have fallen, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National surveys by the CDC recorded a 10.6 percent drop in drug deaths. Part of the reason for the decline is the availability of naloxone, an overdose reversal drug, according to public health experts.
Direct Relief has distributed more than 2.7 million doses of naloxone since 2017, including to public health departments, educational institutions, harm reduction groups, health centers, and free clinics across the United States.
Operations Overview
Direct Relief has delivered 572 shipments containing 1.3 million doses of medicines over the past seven days to organizations, including the following:
Welvista, South Carolina NC MedAssist, North Carolina Highlands Health Laurel Highlands Free & Charitable Clinic, Pennsylvania Delta Health Center, Mississippi CommunityHealth, Illinois Lloyd F. Moss Free Clinic Pharmacy, Virginia Mission Arlington Medical Clinic, Texas Volunteers in Medicine Hilton Head Island, South Carolina NOVA ScriptsCentral Inc Pharmacy, Virginia St. Vincent de Paul Pharmacy – Dallas, Texas Around the World
Globally, Direct Relief has shipped more than 3.4 million daily doses of medication totaling 60,765 pounds, to countries including:
Ukraine Syria Yemen Haiti India Tanzania Cambodia Jamaica Since the beginning of the year
Since January 1, 2024, Direct Relief has delivered 18,100 shipments to 2,192 partner organizations in 54 U.S. states and territories and 86 countries. These shipments contained 333.8 million specific daily doses of medicines valued at $1.2 billion (wholesale) and totaled 4 million pounds.
Sources 2/ https://reliefweb.int/report/morocco/resilient-power-shines-after-moroccos-2023-earthquake The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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