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Psilocybin may be more effective than antidepressants for depression

Psilocybin may be more effective than antidepressants for depression
Psilocybin may be more effective than antidepressants for depression


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A new study compared psilocybin to a common SSRI and found that both drugs improved symptoms, with psilocybin providing additional benefits. Maki Nakamura/Getty Images
  • A new study compares psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms, with a common antidepressant.
  • At six months of follow-up, both drugs effectively improved depressive symptoms.
  • But psilocybin appeared to confer additional benefits, such as improved psychological connection and social functioning.
  • This is a small study, and scientists need to conduct more research to understand the long-term effects of psilocybin.

Psilocybin is the active ingredient in magic mushrooms, and in recent decades there has been increased research into this psychedelic drug's potential mental health benefits.

According to a new study published on September 21st: Clinical Medicine The antidepressant effects of psilocybin EscitalopramIt is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) that is commonly used to treat depression.

This study is a six-month follow-up to an earlier study. study Published in 2021, the researchers found that Psilocybin Furthermore, psychological support produced antidepressant effects similar to those of escitalopram taken daily for six weeks.

At six months, the researchers noted that psilocybin had other psychological benefits over escitalopram. Specifically, subjects in the psilocybin group were more likely to:

  • Functioning well at work and in society
  • Feeling psychologically connected
  • Finding more meaning in life

This study is one of the first to directly compare the effects of psilocybin on symptoms of depression with standard treatment.

Yet although the study is the largest to date, it only involved 59 participants, and the study authors explained that the results should be “interpreted with caution” and called for further research.

However, SSRIs don’t work for everyone, and importantly, these medications often need to be taken daily for years to prevent relapse.

David Merrill, MD“Escitalopram is one of the most widely prescribed medications currently available to treat depression,” Dr. David G. Schneider, a board-certified geriatric psychiatrist at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California, who was not involved in the new study, told Healthline.

Still, SSRIs are associated with side effects, including “sexual dysfunction, weight gain, fatigue, and emotional blunting,” the authors of the new study note.

For these reasons, scientists must find new approaches to treating depression, and some hope that psilocybin might help fill this gap.

Several small studies have concluded that it may have powerful antidepressant effects.

For example, preliminary 2016 Survey Combining high doses of psilocybin with psychological support was found to improve symptoms of depression over a three-month period and also reduce anxiety. anxiety and Anhedonia.

Similarly, 2023 Survey They concluded that compared with placebo, psilocybin had a “sustained” antidepressant effect.

Importantly, these studies have identified few serious side effects and the effects of the treatment appear to last for weeks or months after a single dose, rather than daily dosing.

To date, there have been few studies comparing psilocybin with standard antidepressants, and this new study highlights that.

The study involved 59 participants with moderate to severe diagnoses. Major depressive disorderThe researchers divided the subjects into two groups and gave each group one of the following treatments:

  1. Two oral doses of 25 milligrams of psilocybin combined with psychological support.
  2. They received escitalopram for six weeks, plus the same level of psychological support as the psilocybin group.

After six months, participants in both groups had sustained improvements in depressive symptoms.

“While several studies have shown that psilocybin may reduce symptoms of depression, it is noteworthy that this study showed robust and sustained effects for six months, even after two doses.” Ozan Toy, MDa neuropsychiatrist not involved in the study told Healthline.

“The lack of serious side effects in a larger cohort increases confidence in the safety profile of psilocybin,” Toy noted.

Compared to the escitalopram group, patients taking psilocybin also reported improvements in the following symptoms:

  • Functioning in the workplace and in social situations
  • Psychological connection with others
  • Feeling that life has meaning

“It is striking that psilocybin therapy produced long-term improvements in social functioning, psychological connectedness, and meaning in life compared to escitalopram,” the board-certified psychiatrist explained. Brooke Schule, MDwho was not involved in the study.

“Previous studies have shown short-term benefits, but this study suggests that more widespread improvements may be possible,” Schule told Healthline.

Neuroplasticity It represents the brain's ability to reorganize brain networks in light of new information, which is essential for learning new skills and adapting to change, and can help alleviate depression.

“Psilocybin interacts with serotonin receptors in the brain, specifically the 5-HT2A receptor,” Toy explains. “This interaction promotes neuroplasticity, allowing rigid thought patterns to be 'reset,' which may help relieve symptoms of depression.”

“Psilocybin also alters activity in brain regions involved in mood regulation and self-reflection, which may contribute to novel experiences such as 'ego disruption' and 'cognitive reappraisal,'” Toy continued.

Collapse of the ego It describes a feeling of losing oneself and may be beneficial for people with depression.

For example: Cognitive reappraisal It's about finding a positive outlook and looking at a situation from a different perspective. For example, seeing a bad exam result as an opportunity for growth.

Many people, experts and laypeople alike, are excited about psilocybin’s potential. Mental Health TreatmentBut is this excitement justified?

“Given psilocybin's potential to treat intractable depression, anxiety and depression, excitement is understandable.” Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)“Many the study It has been shown to be extremely effective for PTSD.”

Still, Toy cautioned: “Concerns remain about long-term effects, accessibility and better safety data to understand the risks and benefits.”

As the evidence base regarding psilocybin grows, more research is needed before this psychoactive compound can be made available to the public.

However, experts do not recommend self-treating depression with psilocybin at home: “Psychological support is essential to ensure safety, guide the experience and integrate the insights gained,” Toy said.

“Without professional supervision, people may experience overwhelming feelings, anxiety or bad trips, which can worsen their condition. Mental health issues“These powerful drugs are best used in a controlled, safe environment,” he noted.

“Proper medical monitoring is important because there are concerns that it could cause bad trips and distressing psychological experiences. It could also lead to psychosis,” Schule added.

Despite safety concerns, Merrill said psilocybin could be useful in treating depression in the future, saying the drug “can help us understand the mechanisms of depression.”

Merrill added that there may be “a way to get the benefits of psychedelics without using drugs.”

Holotropic BreathingFor example, it may be effective for depression, but Merrill noted that “it may still be too intense and we would only recommend trying it under the direct supervision of an experienced professional.”

Overall, Merrill said he hopes psilocybin will be studied further and eventually made available to more people.

“We hope to complete the scientifically rigorous testing that will help legalize psilocybin and further efforts to gain FDA approval for the planned use of the drug in controlled environments,” Merrill concluded.

A new study compared psilocybin to a common antidepressant: both drugs reduced depression symptoms over six months, but psilocybin had additional mental health benefits.

Despite these promising findings, the study was relatively small and further research is needed.

People suffering from depression should not self-medicate with psilocybin, and professional supervision when taking psilocybin can help ensure its safety and effectiveness.




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