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US sends more troops to Middle East as violence escalates between Israel and Hezbollah

US sends more troops to Middle East as violence escalates between Israel and Hezbollah
US sends more troops to Middle East as violence escalates between Israel and Hezbollah


WASHINGTON The United States is sending additional troops to the Middle East in response to a sharp increase in violence between Israel and Hezbollah forces in Lebanon that has raised the risk of a wider regional war, the Pentagon said Monday.

Pentagon spokesman Gen. Pat Ryder declined to provide details on the number of additional forces or what missions they would be assigned. The United States currently has about 40,000 troops in the region.

On Monday, the aircraft carrier USS Truman, two destroyers and a cruiser left Norfolk, Virginia, for the Mediterranean as part of a regularly scheduled deployment, raising the possibility that the United States could keep the Truman and the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln, which is in the Gulf of Oman, nearby in case further violence erupts.

Given the growing tension in the Middle East and as a precautionary measure, we are sending a small number of additional American troops to reinforce our forces already present in the region. But for operational security reasons, I will not comment or provide details.

The new deployments come after massive Israeli strikes on targets in Lebanon that killed hundreds, and as Israel prepares for more operations. On Monday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Lebanese civilians in a video message to evacuate their homes ahead of the expanded air campaign. He spoke as Israeli warplanes continued to strike suspected Hezbollah targets in southern and eastern Lebanon.

State Department warns Americans to leave Lebanon as risk of regional war increases.

Due to the unpredictable nature of the ongoing conflict between Hezbollah and Israel and recent explosions in Lebanon, including in Beirut, the U.S. Embassy is urging American citizens to leave Lebanon while commercial options remain available, the State Department warned Saturday. Ryder did not specify whether these additional forces could support the evacuation of these citizens if necessary.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin held back-to-back talks with Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant over the weekend as he pushed for a cease-fire and reduced tensions in the region, Ryder said.

“Given the tensions, given the escalation, as I've pointed out, there is a risk of a broader regional conflict. I don't think we're there yet, but it's a dangerous situation,” Ryder said.

The U.S. presence in the Middle East is intended to contribute to the defense of Israel and to protect U.S. and allied personnel and assets. Navy warships are scattered throughout the region, from the eastern Mediterranean Sea to the Gulf of Oman, and Air Force and Navy fighter jets are strategically based in multiple locations to be better prepared to respond to any attack.

The story continues

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