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Prime Minister participates in fruitful roundtable discussion with tech CEOs, highlights India's growth story

Prime Minister participates in fruitful roundtable discussion with tech CEOs, highlights India's growth story
Prime Minister participates in fruitful roundtable discussion with tech CEOs, highlights India's growth story


Prime Minister Narendra Modi has urged CEOs of major US companies to take advantage of India's growth as the country makes all-out efforts to become the world's third largest economy in his third term.

Addressing CEOs of major US technology companies on Sunday, Modi said India would do everything possible to become the world's third largest economy in his third term (2024-29).

Companies should leverage India's growth in collaboration and innovation by co-developing, co-designing and co-producing in India for the world, exploiting the opportunities offered by the country's economic and technological growth, he said.

Assuring business leaders of India's deep commitment to protecting intellectual property and promoting technological innovation, Modi highlighted the economic transformation underway in the country, particularly in the manufacturing of electronics and information technology and semiconductors.

Modi said his government was committed to making India a global semiconductor manufacturing hub.

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The meeting was attended by CEOs of 15 major US companies working on cutting-edge technologies such as AI, quantum computing and semiconductors.

“I had a fruitful roundtable with technology CEOs in New York, discussing aspects related to technology, innovation and more. I also highlighted the progress made by India in this area. I am happy to see immense optimism towards India,” Modi said in a message on X.

At the conference, Modi said technology collaboration and efforts like the Initiative on Critical and Emerging Technologies (ICET) are at the core of the India-US comprehensive global strategic partnership, according to a statement from the Ministry of External Affairs.

Hosted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) School of Engineering, the meeting brought together CEOs from top U.S. tech companies, including Google CEO Sundar Pichai, Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen, Accenture CEO Julie Sweet and NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang.

Other panelists included AMD CEO Lisa Su, HP Inc. CEO Enrique Lores, IBM CEO Arvind Krishna, Moderna President Dr. Noubar Afeyan, and Verizon CEO Hans Vestberg.

Modi also spoke about India's BIO E3 (Biotechnology for Environment, Economy and Employment) policy aimed at developing the country into a biotech powerhouse and, on the topic of AI, noted that India's policy is to promote AI for all, supported by its ethical and responsible use.

Other conference participants included Biogen Inc CEO Chris Viehbacher, Bristol Myers Squibb CEO Chris Boerner, Eli Lilly and Company CEO David A Ricks, LAM Research CEO Tim Archer, GlobalFoundries CEO Thomas Caulfield and Kyndryl CEO Martin Schroeter.

Further strengthening technology-business ties. Prime Minister @narendramodi interacted with top technology leaders and CEOs from the US, at a roundtable hosted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology School of Engineering, in New York today. The Prime Minister highlighted India's growth prospects and discussed initiatives to foster collaborations and innovation across sectors, the official MEA account said in a post on X.




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