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China to distribute one-off financial aid to poorest, rare use of aid | World News

China to distribute one-off financial aid to poorest, rare use of aid | World News
China to distribute one-off financial aid to poorest, rare use of aid | World News


China said it would distribute one-off financial aid to the extremely poor by Tuesday, in a rare announcement of direct aid just a day after unveiling a sweeping package aimed at boosting the world's second-largest economy.

The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Civil Affairs will provide living subsidies to disadvantaged groups, including the very poor and orphans, ahead of the National Day holiday next week, state broadcaster CCTV reported Wednesday, without providing details.

Local authorities should ensure that the funds reach their intended recipients before October 1, the anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic, to show that the party and government love and care for those in need, the report said.

While the amount of the aid is unknown, the rollout of one-off aid in such a short period of time appears to be a departure for a government that has long avoided what President Xi Jinping calls handouts. The announcement came shortly after the country’s top monetary and financial officials unveiled a series of rate cuts and easing measures aimed at stemming the economic slowdown.

Meanwhile, the central government has ordered some social security benefits to be provided to college graduates who have not found a job two years after leaving school in a bid to boost employment, the official Xinhua news agency reported Wednesday, citing guidelines issued by the State Council, China's cabinet.

According to a government statement released in April, ministries have earmarked 154.7 billion yuan ($22 billion) for financial aid and subsidies for the extremely poor, orphans and homeless this year. The country had 4.74 million people living in extreme poverty as of June, according to the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

National Day is one of China's most important holidays, typically sparking mass travel and consumption. But a slumping real estate sector and a weak jobs market are weighing on spending, prompting some economists to call for more direct fiscal intervention to boost citizens' morale.

Huang Yiping, a member of the People's Bank of China's monetary policy committee, urged the government to boost spending to address weak consumption, in a rare criticism of China's economic policies earlier this year. Financial support for households would boost consumer spending, he said, while an excessive focus on fiscal health could hamper the economy.

The central bank surprised the market with its massive monetary stimulus package, and now the focus is on the Finance Ministry. More fiscal measures could be on the horizon in the coming days, with Xi Jinping's 24-member Politburo set to meet before the holiday week.

(Only the headline and image of this report may have been reworked by Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

First published: September 25, 2024 | 11:52 p.m. EAST




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