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Donald Trump responds to Iran assassination warning: 'Threats on my life'

Donald Trump responds to Iran assassination warning: 'Threats on my life'
Donald Trump responds to Iran assassination warning: 'Threats on my life'


Former President Donald Trump has said his life is “under serious threat” from Iran after being briefed by US intelligence about alleged assassination plans.

Federal authorities are investigating two alleged assassination attempts against Donald Trump in recent months. Iranian officials have denied any involvement in any plot to assassinate Donald Trump.

Trump wrote on Truth Social: “There are serious threats on my life from Iran. The entire U.S. military is watching and waiting. Iran has made moves before that didn’t work, but they’re going to try again. This is not a good situation for anyone. I’m surrounded by more men, weapons, and guns than I’ve ever seen before.”

He added: “Thank you Congress for unanimously approving an increase in funding for the Secret Service. No “NO” votes, strictly bipartisan. It's nice to see Republicans and Democrats come together on something. An attack on a former President is a death wish for the attacker!”

Trump's campaign said the Office of the Director of National Intelligence briefed the former president on Tuesday on “Iran's real and specific threats to assassinate him in order to destabilize and sow chaos in the United States.”

Iran is threatening my life. The entire U.S. military is watching and waiting. Iran has made moves before that didn't work, but they're going to try again. This is not a good situation for anyone. I'm surrounded by more men, weapons, and guns than I've ever seen before. Thank you.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 25, 2024

Steven Cheung, Trump's communications director, said: “Intelligence officials have seen these ongoing, coordinated attacks escalate in recent months, and law enforcement officials across all agencies are working to ensure that President Trump is protected and the election is free from interference.”

“Make no mistake, the Iranian terrorist regime loves Kamala Harris’ weakness and is terrified of President Trump’s strength and determination. They will let nothing stop them or prevent them from fighting for the American people and “making America great again.”

On Tuesday, Ryan Wesley Routh was charged with attempted assassination against Trump, after he was found on September 15 outside the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida, with an SKS-style assault rifle while the former president was playing golf.

Donald Trump speaks at a campaign event in Savannah, Georgia. Trump was recently briefed on an alleged Iranian plot against him. Donald Trump speaks at a campaign event in Savannah, Georgia. Trump was recently briefed on an alleged Iranian plot against him. AP

On July 13, an assassination attempt was made against Donald Trump at his campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. Trump was shot in the ear and the perpetrator, Thomas Matthew Crooks, was shot and killed by Secret Service agents. One audience member was killed in the attack, while two others were seriously injured.

The FBI and other federal agencies said in September that Iran sent unsolicited emails containing material stolen from Trump's campaign to Joe Biden's campaign in late June and early July, shortly before the president withdrew from the election and endorsed Vice President Harris.

There is no indication that Biden or Harris responded to Iran or used the information, with Harris' campaign later calling the emails “unwanted and unacceptable malicious activity.”

The FBI said in a statement that the alleged hacking incident in Iran was an example of several “foreign actors increasing their election influence activities” ahead of the November election.

The statement added: “Russia, Iran, and China, in particular, seek to exacerbate divisions in American society for their own gain and view election periods as moments of vulnerability. Efforts by these or other foreign actors to undermine our democratic institutions pose a direct threat to the United States and will not be tolerated.”

Iranian officials have called the hacking accusation “baseless and completely unfounded.”

South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham called the alleged Iranian plots an “act of war” and said Iran should “pay a price.”

“I think this is an act of war against the American people,” Graham told Fox News on Tuesday.

“This is a hostile act. The Iranians hacked President Trump's campaign account. [and] “The story of his legal team, who shared this information with the American media to undermine our election.”




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