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Donald Trump promotes industrial manufacturing plan at campaign stop on Georgia coast


The former president devoted part of his speech to his promise to boost domestic manufacturing by cutting taxes for foreign companies that relocate to the United States and threatening to impose tariffs on those that refuse.

That theme was welcome news to Republicans who have been pleading with her campaign to address the economic problems that Georgia voters consistently rank as their top concern. Harris was set to unveil her own plan Tuesday to further boost domestic manufacturing through federal stimulus.

Trump told thousands of supporters at the Savannah Civic Center that he would recruit foreign businesses by offering federal land and infrastructure improvements while dangling a 15% corporate tax on companies that make their products in the United States.

That's why the campaign chose Savannah to push its plan. The coastal Georgia city is home to one of the nation's busiest ports, and Trump has said the city would be stronger if his trade policy were implemented.

That's why the campaign chose Savannah to push its plan. The coastal Georgia city is home to one of the nation's busiest ports, which Trump praised during his speech.

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Credits: TNS

But in addition to the carrot of incentives, Trump also intends to swing a stick at companies that reject his offer. He has warned those companies that they will be forced to pay high tariffs, a phrase that he says sounds sweet to my ears. He has added that he will impose a 100% tariff on every car imported from Mexico.

If you don't manufacture your product here, then you'll have to pay a very substantial tariff when you ship your product to the United States, Trump said, adding that this would bring in hundreds of billions of dollars in new revenue that would benefit American citizens.

It’s part of a broader plan that could overhaul how Americans are taxed by enacting tougher tariffs. Trump has backed separate ideas to eliminate taxes on tips and overtime, promised to cut regulations and called on Congress to extend a tax cut package he signed in 2017.

I'm going to cut your taxes. It's going to be a renaissance, he said. It's going to be a golden age.

But Democrats warn that Trump’s plan could impose trillions of dollars in new tariffs that would trigger sharp price hikes and spark trade wars. Billionaire Mark Cuban called the tariffs a tax on the American people that would trigger new inflation during a conference call hosted by the Harris campaign Tuesday. It’s a national sales tax that would raise costs for every American, he said.

Harris and his allies are willing to support more targeted tax incentives that they say would encourage new developments in advanced manufacturing.

While Trump stayed away from personal grievances with Georgia officials, he also repeatedly veered away from economic issues during a speech he billed as a communications event rather than a full-scale campaign rally.

He recounted how he survived an assassination attempt at a rally in rural Pennsylvania and blamed Democrats for escalating the conflict between Israel and Iran. He also mocked Harris’ potential plans to visit the U.S.-Mexico border, calling his Democratic rival a Marxist philosopher and uttering a litany of other insults.

Trump's visit comes amid renewed efforts to unify Republicans and energize centrist voters behind his bid to recapture Georgia, four years after Joe Biden flipped the state by fewer than 12,000 votes.

An Atlanta Journal-Constitution poll released last week shows Trump has overwhelming support among Republican voters, but independents face deeper challenges that are critical to his campaign. About a third of them support his candidacy, compared with about half who back Harris.

The race is narrowing down to Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and a few other key states. And Trump supporters have been banking on Georgia's role in the final weeks of the race.

“When we win, the president of the United States will say that Georgia is the reason he won the White House,” said Lt. Gov. Burt Jones. “It’s because the people of Georgia came together and understood that this was in the best interest of Georgians.”

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Credits: TNS

Harris, who delivered an impassioned speech on abortion rights Friday in Cobb County, has challenged Trump to return to Atlanta on Oct. 23 for a second debate after their September showdown in Philadelphia. He has so far declined.

Democrats criticized Trump for avoiding mentioning the GOP’s abortion policy during his speech Tuesday. Harris and her allies reminded voters that her three Supreme Court appointees helped overturn Roe v. Wade two years ago, and Democrats put up billboards throughout the Savannah area criticizing the GOP’s anti-abortion laws.

“Trump is here in Georgia today, and I guarantee you he’s not going to talk about issues that matter to us, like Black maternal or reproductive health,” said Shawana Moore, a professor and nurse practitioner at Emory University. Georgia women need unfettered reproductive freedom.

The Trump campaign will continue to focus on Georgia this week.

His running mate, U.S. Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio, is scheduled to travel to Macon and Flowery Branch on Thursday. And Trump is expected to attend Saturday's Alabama-Georgia football game in Tuscaloosa.

Tuesday’s speech was a sharp contrast to his last campaign stop in Georgia, where he bombarded the Kemps with attacks so scathing that local GOP officials feared they would jeopardize his chances in November. Kemp responded by saying his family shouldn’t be dragged into this, but he continued to publicly support Trump.

Trump blamed Kemp for his narrow 2020 defeat in Georgia, when the governor rejected his calls for a special legislative session to overturn the results. Trump then recruited former U.S. Sen. David Perdue to challenge him in the 2022 Republican primary. Kemp won in a landslide.

Credit: Miguel Martinez/AJC

Credit: Miguel Martinez/AJC

Since then, Trump and Kemp appear to have calmed their ongoing one-sided feud. The governor is eager to put their personal differences behind him as he prepares for a possible run for the U.S. Senate in 2026 or the presidency in 2028.

Top Republicans have urged Trump to set aside his animosity toward the governor, who is consistently ranked as the state’s most popular Republican official in polls. Among them is Vance, who heaped praise on Kemp at the Georgia Faith and Freedom Coalitions’ annual dinner last week, calling him “incredible, patriotic and highly effective.”

“It’s over now,” said Stevie Wall, a Pooler retiree who supports both Kemp and Trump and attended the Savannah event. There have been comments from both sides that haven’t been well-received, but Kemp now supports him and knows Trump will be better for Georgia.

Trump’s appearance in Georgia in August was notable for another reason: He praised a trio of state election board members who support rule changes backed by his campaign, calling them pit bulls fighting for honesty, transparency and victory. The board remains in the spotlight for approving policies just weeks before the election that critics say could delay the release of results, undermine confidence in the electoral system and open the door to pro-Trump challenges if he loses.

The visit comes less than a month after Harris became one of the few Democratic candidates to make the trip to southern Georgia. Her visit included an appearance at a high school in Hinesville, a coastal Democratic stronghold, as well as a raucous rally at Enmarket Arena in Savannah.

Staff writer Maya T. Prabhu contributed to this report.

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Credits: TNS

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Credits: AP

Photo credit: Evan Vucci/AP

Photo credit: Evan Vucci/AP

Photo credit: Evan Vucci/AP

Photo credit: Evan Vucci/AP

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Credits: AP




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