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Oxford University petition opposes Imran Khan's bid for chancellor amid corruption allegations

Oxford University petition opposes Imran Khan's bid for chancellor amid corruption allegations
Oxford University petition opposes Imran Khan's bid for chancellor amid corruption allegations


Oxford University has been informed that former Prime Minister Imran Khan was attempting to run for the position of chancellor of the institution to advance his personal and political goals and did not have the welfare of the university at heart. 'University.

In a new petition, PMLN UK activist Khurram Butt told the university that Imran Khan wanted to score political points by running a media campaign around the chancellor election in a month's time and would never serve the interests of the university.

Khurram Butt announced on Tuesday that he had visited the university to distribute leaflets and submit a new petition with new evidence, asking the university not to get drawn into politics and controversy.

The petition highlighted the UK's National Crime Agency (NCA)'s £190 million case and claimed that Khan was involved in corruption cases in Pakistan and the UK.

The petition to the university said: “We believe that Mr. Khan’s candidacy is inconsistent with the values ​​and principles that guide this prestigious institution. Concerns about Mr. Khan's candidacy are rooted in a series of controversies and allegations that raise serious ethical and moral questions about his fitness for the role.

The petition said: “Mr Imran Khan has been implicated in numerous cases of corruption during his political career, including his conviction for embezzlement of public gifts. In one notable case, a set of gifts worth over $5 million, donated by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, was sold in the UAE gray market by Mr Khan's team after having paid only $100,000 to acquire it. This and other investigations revealed that Mr. Khan repeatedly acquired state gifts at minimal costs, profiting greatly from their resale.

The petition read: “Mr Khan's involvement in the £190 million settlement between the UK's National Crime Agency (NCA) and Pakistani tycoon Malik Riaz raises further concerns. The NCA ordered that the amount be returned to the State of Pakistan; however, Mr. Khan's administration reversed this decision and returned the funds to Mr. Riaz. In exchange, Mr Khan allegedly received significant personal benefits, including land and financial gifts, under the guise of the Al Qadir Trust affair. Imran Khan's bid for acquittal in the £190 million Nation Crime Agency case has been rejected by Pakistani courts, showing there is evidence of his involvement in the scandal.”

The petition mentioned the Financial Times article from last year. He said: “There have been reports, including one from the Financial Times, of illegal funding Mr Khan's political campaigns received from discredited individuals like Ariq Naqvi. Naqvi, who financed Mr Khan through Wootton Cricket Club, was embroiled in major financial scandals, further damaging Mr Khan's global reputation. Funds to the tune of millions of dollars were surreptitiously sent to Imran Khan's party by Arif Naqvi. Under Pakistani law, political parties cannot obtain funding from foreign sources. The petition says Mr Khan's public statements have been criticized around the world for their insensitivity and lack of understanding, particularly regarding rape. It mentioned Khan's statement that “men are not robots”, suggesting that women's clothing is to blame for sexual assault. “Such remarks sparked global outrage, portraying Mr Khan as a rape apologist and an incorrigible misogynist. »

The petition read: “Mr Khan has publicly defended and praised the Taliban. After the fall of Kabul, he declared that Afghanistan had “broken the chains of slavery”, which was seen as an endorsement of the oppressive Taliban regime. Such statements reflect a deeply problematic worldview that is inconsistent with the values ​​of an institution that promotes education, critical thinking, and human rights.

In a video statement released outside Oxford University, Khurram Butt said: “Imran Khan has resigned as Chancellor of the University of Bradford after students threatened to launch a vote of censure against him due to his unavailability for university affairs. This was in 2014, when Imran Khan's political career was still developing, but now, Imran Khan's public engagements have increased, which clearly shows that this attempt to become Chancellor of the University of Oxford is an attempt to attract attention and play politics in this campaign.

Khurram Butt said he told the university that Mr. Khan was under investigation in Pakistan, facing multiple charges and remained in custody. “The seriousness of the accusations and legal proceedings against him cast a shadow over his credibility and suitability to hold an important position such as Chancellor of the University of Oxford. Given these factors, it is clear that Mr Khan's actions, associations and public statements contradict the values ​​espoused by the University of Oxford. His candidacy risks damaging the integrity and reputation of the institution, and his appointment as chancellor would be seen by many as a validation of corruption, misogyny and problematic ideologies.

The petition added: “Several other members of Imran Khan's family have also been investigated for corrupt practices, including his wife Bushra Imran, his sister Dr Uzma Khan and his brother-in-law Ahad Majeed. Imran Khan and his family were also investigated for misappropriation of donations made to Shaukat Khanum. Shaukat Khanum's management admitted that under Imran Khan's leadership, the institution made speculative investments in real estate in the UAE using donations made to Shaukat Khanum. The scandal came to light after only a fraction of donations were left following heavy losses. Mr Khan is already in prison and faces a sentence of more than 14 years in several cases, which will prevent him from fulfilling his duties as chancellor of Oxford University.

The petition concluded: “We therefore urge the Electoral Commission to seriously reconsider his candidacy and withdraw his name from the nomination for the post of Chancellor. The University of Oxford has always stood for academic excellence, integrity and progressive values, and we believe that Mr Khan does not embody these ideals.




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