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Zelensky heads to White House as partisan divide widens ahead of US vote | Russia-Ukraine War

Zelensky heads to White House as partisan divide widens ahead of US vote | Russia-Ukraine War
Zelensky heads to White House as partisan divide widens ahead of US vote | Russia-Ukraine War


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky met with US President Joe Biden and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris, as the Ukrainian leader sought to shore up his support ahead of November's US elections.

Thursday's series of meetings in Washington came as Zelensky called for more U.S. military aid to his struggling country, regardless of who wins the next vote.

Both Biden and Harris have vowed to continue supporting kyiv, while the Republican nominee, former US President Donald Trump, and several vocal members of his party have continually questioned it.

The United States will provide Ukraine with the support it needs to win this war, Biden said in a statement Thursday before his White House meeting with Zelenskyy.

Biden further pledged to ensure that all funding so far approved for Ukraine is disbursed before he leaves office in January 2025, as part of what he described as an increase in aid to security totaling nearly $8 billion.

He pledged to hold a meeting with other world leaders focused on Ukraine's defense during a visit to Germany next month. However, he did not greenlight Ukraine's long-standing request to fire U.S.-made long-range missiles at Russia.

Later, speaking from the Oval Office next to Zelensky, Biden said his administration is making it clear that we stand with Ukraine, now and in the future.

Zelensky, in turn, thanked Biden for his support and said it was important to secure Ukraine's future within the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

This came a day after the Ukrainian leader, speaking at the United Nations General Assembly, again rejected the idea that Ukraine would agree to cede territory to Russia as part of a peace plan, while warning of a growing nuclear threat from Moscow.

Zelensky urged world leaders not to seek a solution that falls short of real and just peace. Ukrainian forces, backed by billions of dollars in Western military aid, have largely halted the Russian offensive in the country's southwest, while launching their own incursion into Russia's Kursk region.

Yet entrenched fighting along the front lines shows no signs of slowing, and kyiv is increasingly pushing for permission to use Western weapons to strike deeper into Russia.

Later Thursday, Harris, speaking alongside Zelenskyy at the White House, said she would work to ensure Ukraine's victory in the war, while criticizing Trump, her Republican rival in the Nov. 5 election , without naming it.

Some in the United States would like to force Ukraine to give up large parts of its territory and abandon its security relationships with other countries, Harris said.

These propositions are the same as those of [Russian President Vladimir] Putin, and let's be clear, these are not peace proposals. Rather, they are proposals for surrender, which is dangerous and unacceptable, she said.

The Biden administration has increasingly sought to highlight Harris' foreign policy credentials since she became a presidential candidate after Biden dropped out of the race in July.

The partisan divide is widening

Zelensky received a much less warm reception from Republicans during his trip to the United States.

His already tense relationship with Trump was further strained this week, with the Ukrainian leader criticizing the Trump campaign's boast that he could quickly negotiate a resolution to the Russian invasion, which began in February 2022.

In an interview published earlier this week in The New Yorker magazine, Zelenskyy said his feeling is that Trump doesn't really know how to stop the war, even if he thinks he knows how.

He also criticized Trump's running mate, Senator JD Vance, calling him too radical for suggesting that Ukraine's land ceding should not be taken off the table in efforts to achieve a ceasefire. fire.

Speaking at a campaign rally in North Carolina on Wednesday, Trump criticized Zelensky for making nasty remarks about him.

He then blamed Zelensky for the continuation of the war, saying he refused to make a deal and that even a bad deal involving a little abandonment would have ended the bloodshed.

Despite the rhetoric, Trump said Thursday that he plans to meet with Zelenskiy Friday morning at Trump Tower in New York. Although the two leaders spoke by phone in July, they have not met in person since Trump's presidential term ended in 2021.

Meanwhile, Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson also made political hay after Zelenskyy visited a munitions factory in Pennsylvania on Wednesday with the state's Democratic Gov. Josh Shapiro, who served as a top surrogate for the Harris campaign.

Pennsylvania is expected to be a key state in deciding U.S. elections and has a large Ukrainian and Eastern European population sympathetic to Washington's support for kyiv.

Johnson said the visit was intended to help Democrats and clearly constituted election interference. He called on Zelensky to fire his ambassador to the United States.

The House speaker was among several House Republicans who earlier this year blocked further aid to Ukraine, before ultimately relenting.




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