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Ditch the chips: Choose eggs and fruit to lower your risk of diabetes

Ditch the chips: Choose eggs and fruit to lower your risk of diabetes
Ditch the chips: Choose eggs and fruit to lower your risk of diabetes


Increased intake of ultra-processed foods (UPF) significantly increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, according to new research. but, You can reduce this risk by replacing UPF with less processing options.highlighting the opportunity to change your eating habits.

Researchers from University College London (UCL) conducted the study in collaboration with experts from the University of Cambridge and Imperial College London. Published in Lancet Regional Health Journal.

They looked at data from more than 311,000 people in eight European countries over an average of 10.9 years, during which time 14,236 participants developed type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes is a chronic disease in which the body struggles to regulate blood sugar levels. There are two main types. Type 1, in which the body does not produce insulin (the hormone), and Type 2, in which the body is resistant to insulin. Both types can cause serious complications if untreated. Type 1 is primarily genetic, while type 2 can develop over time due to lifestyle factors.

Diabetes is a chronic disease in which the body struggles to regulate blood sugar levels. (Photo: Getty Images)

These lifestyle factors include regularly eating foods that are very high in sugar, lack of exercise, lack of sleep, and pre-existing health conditions such as high blood pressure and obesity.

Ultra-processed foods and the risk of diabetes

The study found that for every 10% increase in ultra-processed food intake, the risk of developing type 2 diabetes increased by 17%.

However, this risk can be significantly reduced by: Replace UPF with less processed foods.

Not all ultra-processed foods pose the same threat. This study identified specific categories of UPF most associated with type 2 diabetes.

  • savory snacks
  • Processed products of animal origin
  • Ready-to-eat or cooked meals
  • Sugar-sweetened and artificially sweetened beverages
Not all ultra-processed foods pose the same threat. (Photo: Getty Images)

What is ultra-processed food?

The Nova food classification system classifies foods based on their level of processing.

  • Unprocessed or minimally processed foods (MPF) – eggs, milk, fruit, etc.
  • Processed Culinary Ingredients (PCI) – Examples: salt, butter, oil.
  • Processed Foods (PF) – Canned fish, beer, cheese, etc.
  • Ultra-processed foods (UPF) – instant foods, sweets, savory snacks, etc.
  • Ultra-processed foods are usually full of additives, preservatives, and artificial flavors, and despite their convenience, are often unhealthy.
Eggs, milk, and fruit are minimally processed foods. (Photo: Getty Images)

How to lower your risk: Swap out ultra-processed foods

Research shows that the exchange Ultra-processed foods for less processed options It may significantly lower the risk of diabetes, the researchers wrote.

Here are some ideas:

– Replace ultra-processed foods with minimally processed foods

Replacing 10% of ultra-processed foods with minimally processed foods reduced the risk of diabetes by 14%.

– Replace ultra-processed foods with processed foods

Replace 10% of your UPF with processed foods, etc. Homemade bread (sourdough bread or ragi bread) or preserved fruitthe risk of diabetes was reduced by 18%.

Replacing 10% of your UPF with processed foods like homemade bread and preserved fruit reduced your risk of diabetes by 18%. (Photo: Getty Images)

Types of ultra-processed foods to avoid

This study's detailed analysis of UPF subgroups found that some categories were more harmful than others.

Foods to avoid or limit to reduce your risk of diabetes include:

  • Savory Snacks: Chips, packaged popcorn, and similar items.
  • Products of animal origin: Processed meats such as sausage and bacon.
  • Prepared meals: Frozen dinners and canned soups.
  • Sugar-sweetened and artificially sweetened beverages: Carbonated beverages and energy drinks (this does not include unsweetened carbonated beverages).

Not all ultra-processed foods are the same: Safer options

Interestingly, some ultra-processed foods lower incidence of diabetes. These include:

  • Bread, biscuits and breakfast cereals
  • sweets and desserts
  • plant-based alternatives

Although these foods should be consumed in moderation, they appear to pose a lower risk than savory snacks or sugary drinks.

Although this study cannot conclusively prove that ultra-processed foods cause diabetes, there is a growing body of evidence linking these foods to chronic disease.

Researchers are currently conducting further trials to better understand how replacing these foods with minimally processed foods can help reduce health risks.


Daphne Clarins

Publication date:

September 27, 2024




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