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Former PM Khans' party cancels September 28 rally in Rawalpindi, will instead hold peaceful protest

Former PM Khans' party cancels September 28 rally in Rawalpindi, will instead hold peaceful protest
Former PM Khans' party cancels September 28 rally in Rawalpindi, will instead hold peaceful protest


Pakistani police responsible for murder of doctor accused of blasphemy provincial government

MULTAN: The provincial government of Pakistan's Sindh province said on Thursday that police had orchestrated the killing of a doctor who was in custody after being accused of blasphemy, marking the first time the government has accused security forces of this that the doctor's family and rights groups committed. described as an extrajudicial execution by the police.

Provincial Interior Minister Ziaul Hassan says a government investigation concluded that Shah Nawaz, a doctor in Sindh province, was killed shortly after surrendering to authorities in what was a fake encounter by the security forces.

There was no shootout with gunmen as police had claimed, Hassan told reporters at a news conference in the southern port city of Karachi, and added that Nawaz's family could file a murder complaint against the police officers who killed him.

Hours after Nawaz was fatally shot and his body was handed over to his family, a mob snatched it from Nawaz's father and burned it.

Hassan's statement backed up allegations by Nawaz's family earlier this week that police officers lied about the circumstances of his death when they said he was killed in a shootout between police and gunmen.

Shah Nawaz had surrendered to police last week in Mirpur Khas district after receiving assurances that he would be given a chance to prove his innocence.

Days earlier, in the town of Umerkot, a crowd claimed he had insulted Islam's prophet Muhammad and shared blasphemous content on social media, and demanded his arrest. The mob also set fire to Nawaz's clinic.

Accusations of blasphemy, sometimes even mere rumors, can trigger riots and mob rampages in Pakistan. Although mob killings of blasphemy suspects are common, extrajudicial killings by police are rare.

Under Pakistan's controversial blasphemy laws, anyone found guilty of insulting Islam or Islamic religious figures can be sentenced to death, although authorities have yet to carry out a death sentence for blasphemy .

Nawaz's father thanked the government for supporting the family and demanded that his son's killers be brought to justice under the “eye for an eye” principle of Sharia, or Islamic law.

We have only one demand: the police officers who organized the murder of my son… must also be killed in the same way, said Nawaz's father, Mohammad Saleh.

Saleh told The Associated Press by telephone that he was grateful for all the support given to the family and to all those who condemned the extremist clerics who angered the crowd by calling for his son's death.

Those who killed my son should be punished quickly so that others learn the lesson and do not indulge in extrajudicial killings in the future, said Nawaz's mother, Rehmat Kunbar.

She added that her son could no longer come back to her but she wanted to save other parents' children from the hands of extremists.

Nawaz's killing was the second case of extrajudicial killing by police this month in Pakistan.

A week earlier, a police officer opened fire in a police station in Quetta, in the southwest of the country, fatally wounding Syed Khan, a suspect detained for blasphemy.

Khan was arrested after police officers saved him from an angry crowd who claimed he had insulted Islam's prophet. But he was killed by a police officer, Mohammad Khurram, who was quickly arrested.

However, the tribe and family of the slain man later said they had pardoned the officer.




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