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Imran closes door on negotiations as indictment looms – Journal

Imran closes door on negotiations as indictment looms – Journal
Imran closes door on negotiations as indictment looms – Journal


Charges in the Toshakhana case will be brought against the former prime minister and his wife on October 2. PTI founder cancels Rawalpindi rally on Saturday. Raoof named head of party's political think tank

ISLAMABAD: PTI founding president Imran Khan on Thursday ruled out any further negotiations with the military establishment, terming it a futile exercise. The statement follows Special Judge Central Shahrukh Arjumand's announcement that PTI chief and his wife Bushra Bibi would be indicted in the new Toshakhana case on October 2.

The couple was accused of keeping an expensive Bvlgari jewelry set, given by a foreign leader at a throwaway price.

Earlier, during the hearing, the defense lawyer submitted the application for bail of the ex-prime minister and his wife after his arrest and asked the court to decide immediately.

The prosecution, on the other hand, was only able to conclude its counter-arguments at the end of the proceedings and requested additional time.

The court asked the prosecution to conclude its arguments by September 28.

In search of justice

Addressing the judge during the hearing, Mr Khan said he was seeking justice and pointed out that he had been convicted in three cases a week before the February 8 general election.

He claimed that his wife had nothing to do with these matters, yet she had been imprisoned.

Speaking to reporters later, Mr Khan said talks with the military establishment were an exercise in futility. Therefore, the PTI will not engage in any dialogue with them.

When a journalist pointed out that PTI spokesperson Raoof Hassan had said the party would talk to the establishment, Mr Khan replied that this could be due to a misunderstanding.

Mr Khan said he had made it clear after the September 8 rally in Islamabad that there would be no negotiations with the establishment.

He again requested the government to appoint Justice Mansoor Ali Shah as the next Chief Justice and issue a notification.

He said he did not know Justice Shah personally, but it is written in the Constitution that the most senior judge of the Supreme Court would become the CJP.

He recalled that the notification of the appointment of outgoing Chief Justice Qazi Faez Isas was issued three months before the retirement of his predecessor.

In June 2023, the Ministry of Law and Justice notified the appointment of Justice Isas as CJP after confirmation by the then President Arif Alvi, three months before the retirement of Justice Umar Ata Bandial in september.

Mr Khan criticized Justice Isa of the CJP for not taking any action on the complaints of judges who received threats.

He said the government was still trying to bring the constitutional amendment before Parliament and promised that the PTI would strongly oppose such a move.

No jalsa in Rawalpindi

The PTI founder also announced that his party would not organize a jalsa scheduled in Rawalpindi on September 28.

He said the decision was taken due to fears that the government would not allow his party to hold the event in the city and designate a venue in the suburbs as the venue.

He said instead of a jalsa, the party would hold protests and PTI lawyers would stage a protest outside the Supreme Court.

Raofs meeting

In another move, the PTI chairman appointed Raoof Hasan as head of the party's policy think tank.

A notification issued by advocate Gohar Khan, PTI chairman, said the appointment was made on the instructions of Imran Khan.

There are also reports of fresh shake-ups within the PTI top leadership, with party sources saying that Sheikh Waqas Akram is being considered for the post of central information secretary.

Ikram Junaidi also contributed to this report

Published in Dawn, September 27, 2024




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