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Israel's initial rejection of US ceasefire deal in Lebanon creates confusion

Israel's initial rejection of US ceasefire deal in Lebanon creates confusion
Israel's initial rejection of US ceasefire deal in Lebanon creates confusion



Top U.S. officials virtually triumphed Wednesday night: The United States and many of its allies hammered out a proposal after days of feverish talks that would put in place a ceasefire on the Israel-Lebanon border.

In a hastily arranged phone call with reporters just moments after issuing a joint statement, senior administration officials hailed the framework as an important step forward. The 21-day pause in fighting proposed by the nations would give time for diplomacy and could prevent a full-fledged war from breaking out between Israel and Hezbollah.

These officials were clear: The question was not whether Israel and Hezbollah would accept the ceasefire proposal, but precisely when. Israel and Hezbollah were familiar with the text, one official said, and the United States felt comfortable making the framework public with the understanding that both sides were willing to sign it.

But just hours later, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu threw cold water on the multinational proposal. First, the Prime Minister's Office issued a statement saying that any reports of an imminent ceasefire were incorrect and that the IDF would continue to fight with all its forces.

Then the Prime Minister himself told the press as he got off his plane in New York: My policy, our policy, is clear: we continue to strike Hezbollah with all our might. We won't stop until we achieve all of our goals.

Some 24 hours after the White House announced the ceasefire proposal, there is no indication that Israel and Hezbollah are ready to accept it. Israel's initial response was clearly not what the White House expected, and it immediately raised the question of why, if Israel agreed with the proposal, its leader seemed so eager to reject it.

We are shocked, a US official said, highlighting deep frustration as they hoped Israel would accept the proposal.

It's not a complete surprise, but it also doesn't prove helpful, a second U.S. official said.

Rumors were brewing in Washington that domestic politics could play a role in Netanyahu's favor, as the right-wing Israeli ministers Netanyahu was counting on to maintain his governing coalition expressed outrage at reports of a ceasefire. fire supported by the United States.

A US source who suggested that the Israeli government was influenced by the negative reaction to the proposal at home expressed frustration, saying the US would not have shown such optimism if there was no had not had strong private indications that the Israelis were prepared to accept the proposal. frame.

The source said he did not expect the negotiations to conclude in the coming days, saying he expected the process to be lengthy. And until Israel accepts it publicly, they added, Hezbollah will feel no pressure either.

U.S. officials' confidence in announcing the proposal Wednesday was due, in part, to the fact that they were dealing with Ron Dermer, one of Netanyahu's closest confidants, as they drafted and revised the text of the the declaration. The ceasefire discussions began Monday with a conversation between Dermer and Jake Sullivan, Biden's national security adviser.

U.S. officials were left with the impression that Netanyahu would support a pause in the fighting, and they were encouraged to work with French officials to finalize a statement calling for a 21-day ceasefire.

Speaking on Thursday, French President Emmanuel Macron said it would be a mistake for Netanyahu to reject the ceasefire, but added that the United States should increase pressure on Israel to do so. accepts the conditions.

Netanyahu's apparent reversal was a major disappointment, but for some officials it also underscored a reality that has existed for months: Netanyahu's willingness to publicly and openly break with Biden, particularly when he faces opposition. internal politics in Israel.

In a statement released Thursday evening, the Prime Minister's Office said Israel shares the goals of the U.S.-led initiative to allow people along our northern border to return home safely.

Israel appreciates the American efforts, the statement said, and promised that discussions would continue in the coming days.

Meanwhile, White House officials faced a barrage of questions from reporters throughout the day Thursday and had no good answers.

Asked about the apparent disconnect between the United States and Israel, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said the multinational statement had indeed been coordinated with the Israeli side. Discussions between the negotiating parties in New York are ongoing, she continued, but she failed to explain why Netanyahu and his office seemed completely uninterested in agreeing to a temporary ceasefire.

White House spokesman John Kirby was even more blunt in acknowledging that he had no good explanation for Netanyahu's comments. I cannot speak for Prime Minister Netanyahu, I cannot answer the question of why he said what he said, he told reporters.

What I can tell you is that the statement we worked on last night was not written in a vacuum, Kirby added. This was done after careful consultations, not only with the countries that signed it, but also with Israel itself.

Kirby even acknowledged that the plan would not have been made public Wednesday evening if the United States had not believed that Netanyahu and his government were on board.

For now, administration officials continue to insist that discussions are ongoing and express hope that news could come within hours. Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with senior Israeli officials in New York on Thursday afternoon, although many U.S. officials were open to the possibility that Netanyahu would not join.

Israeli Ambassador Dermerand, Michael Herzog, hesitated when asked by CNN before this meeting whether they would accept the proposed ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah.

Dermer said less is more when speaking as a diplomat, and stressed that their day of meetings is just beginning.

This story has been updated with additional details.




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