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TN CM Stalin meets PM Modi in Delhi; reiterates demands for Chennai Metro Rail and Samagra Shiksha funds

TN CM Stalin meets PM Modi in Delhi; reiterates demands for Chennai Metro Rail and Samagra Shiksha funds
TN CM Stalin meets PM Modi in Delhi; reiterates demands for Chennai Metro Rail and Samagra Shiksha funds


Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MP Stalin submits a memorandum to Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi on Friday, September 27, 2024.

Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin submits memorandum to Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi on Friday, September 27, 2024 | Photo credit: Special arrangement

On Friday, September 27, 2024, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin visited Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi and handed over a memorandum containing three demands.

These were: an approval on a 50:50 equity sharing basis between the Union and Tamil Nadu governments for the implementation of the Chennai Metro Rail Phase-II project; the release of funds under Samagra Shiksha; and a permanent solution to secure the traditional fishing rights of Indian fishermen.

The progress of the Chennai Metro Rail project has slowed down due to the budgetary constraints faced by the State government under the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, Mr. Stalin said, adding that the slowdown in last year affected the current budget, limiting the total project expenditure to 8,000 crore.

Therefore, the commissioning dates for the various stages are delayed by almost a year, pushing the final completion date from December 2027 to December 2028, the memorandum said.

For the phase II project, Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL) was to guarantee a primary debt of `33,593 crore and a subordinated debt of `17,434 crore. Without a corresponding equity infusion, this would result in an unfavorable gearing ratio, potentially making the continued operation of CMRL unsustainable. If the project receives the funding recommended by the Public Investment Board, CMRL will receive an equity infusion of `10,814.8 crore.

However, as a public sector project, this capital infusion by the state government alone is not possible as it would affect the ownership structure of the company. Equal participation in the capital of the two governments is therefore absolutely necessary, maintained Mr. Stalin.

Samagra Shiksha and NEP Fund

The Project Approval Committee for Samagra Shiksha has approved an outlay of `4,305.66 crore for 2024-25, with a committed commitment of `3,585.99 crore for Tamil Nadu. Of this, the central share of 60 percent amounts to $2,151.59 million, Mr. Stalin said. Although the Directorate of State Projects of Tamil Nadu sent the proposal for release of the first installment (25%) on April 30, 2024, no amount has been released so far, the CM added.

As for the Union government's stand urging all states to set up schools under the Prime Minister's Schools for Rising India (PM SHRI) scheme and formalize a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), Mr .Stalin pointed out that one of the clauses stipulated that states implement all the provisions of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, in their entirety across the state.

Tamil Nadus concerns regarding the National Education Policy 2020 mainly relate to the trilingual formula set out in clause 4.12 of the policy, Mr. Stalin pointed out. Historically, Tamil Nadu has followed the bilingual (Tamil and English) formula to protect the cultural identity of the state and ensure mastery of world languages ​​by students.

Noting that the Education Ministry has not acceded to the State's request and has not released funds for 2024-25 for the ongoing Samagra Shiksha, Mr. Stalin maintained that the non-release of fund would diminish the role of the Union government in shaping the future. generations of one of the most progressive states in the country.

Therefore, the genuine demand of the State regarding the trilingual formula considered in the NEP-2020 can be taken into consideration. The State of Tamil Nadu is ready to sign the PM SHRI MoU with minimal modifications incorporating the constitutional protection of the State with regard to the language formula.

Fishermen's rights

Reiterating Tamil Nadus stand on protecting the rights of Indian fishermen in the traditional fishing zone, Mr. Stalin recalled the steps taken by his government in this regard. Stating that the recent policy of nationalization of seized boats by the Sri Lankan government was an extreme measure, he said it would affect the livelihood and future of thousands of fishermen and their families in the state.

With a meeting of the Joint Working Group (JWG) on fisheries between India and Sri Lanka scheduled in Colombo on October 29, Mr. Stalin said: There is an urgent need to hold talks at level of fishermen equally between fishermen from the two countries. country, which has not taken place since 2016. He further requested the personal intervention of the Prime Minister to find a lasting solution to this vexatious issue.

Stalin appeals to Sonia Gandhi

TN CM Stalin meets Congress chief Sonia Gandhi

TN CM Stalin meets Congress chief Sonia Gandhi | Photo credit: Special arrangement

During his visit to New Delhi, Mr. Stalin called on Congress Parliamentary Party President Sonia Gandhi on Friday. DMK MPs TR Baalu ​​and Kanimozhi were also present in the meeting.




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