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Donald Trump threatens to sue Google for displaying negative stories in search results

Donald Trump threatens to sue Google for displaying negative stories in search results
Donald Trump threatens to sue Google for displaying negative stories in search results


Donald Trump said he would sue Google, saying the tech giant was only “revealing and displaying” bad stories about him but positive ones about his rival, Kamala Harris.

Trump's post on Truth Social appears to be a reaction to a Media Research Center study that claims Google's search is biased in favor of Harris.

Google claims, however, that the study's findings are false and that “both campaign websites consistently appear at the top of search for relevant and common search queries.”

“This report looked at a single rare search term over the course of a single day a few weeks ago, and even for that search, both candidates' websites ranked among the top results on Google,” said a Google spokesperson.

In his Truth Social article, Trump wrote: “Google was determined to have illegally used a scheme of only revealing and displaying bad stories about Donald J. Trump, some fabricated for that purpose, while only revealing bad stories about Donald J. Trump. good stories. stories about Comrade Kamala Harris. This is an ILLEGAL ACTIVITY, and we hope the Department of Justice will criminally prosecute them for this blatant election interference. Otherwise, and subject to the laws of our country, I will demand that they be prosecuted to the fullest extent when I win the election and become President of the United States! »

The Media Research Center is a right-wing media watchdog that has long claimed media bias.

Trump's call to sue Google executives is the latest in a series of retaliatory statements made by the former president against media and technology. Some of Trump's most high-profile supporters, including Elon Musk and Robert Kennedy Jr., claim to be free speech advocates. Legal scholars have argued that, based on case law, the First Amendment protects how internet companies generate search results, but Texas and Florida have sought to regulate how social media platforms moderate their search results. content. The Supreme Court stayed these laws for further analysis by lower courts.

Google says the MRC report looked at an uncommon query: “[candidate name] 2024 presidential race.” The nature of the results also changes depending on the news cycle.

“We absolutely do not manipulate search results to favor any candidate,” the Google spokesperson said. “In fact, media outlets have reported that the Trump campaign website appears higher in Google results for these queries, compared to results from other search engines.”

Mark Cuban, who served as Kamala Harris' campaign surrogate, also objected to the idea that right-wing voices are being silenced, noting that some of the biggest media giants, like Fox, attract the most mainstream, while some of the biggest influencer accounts lean right.

“The biggest influencer of them all, Elon Musk, is the ultimate Trump Maxi. He probably has 5x more followers than all other political influencers combined,” Cuban wrote. “Conservative media is now the mainstream media. I know this makes the role of victim more difficult. But that's the reality.




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