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Boris Johnson considered raiding Dutch warehouse during pandemic to collect COVID-19 vaccines | UK News

Boris Johnson considered raiding Dutch warehouse during pandemic to collect COVID-19 vaccines | UK News
Boris Johnson considered raiding Dutch warehouse during pandemic to collect COVID-19 vaccines | UK News


Boris Johnson says he considered authorizing a raid on a warehouse in the Netherlands during the pandemic to collect COVID-19 vaccines.

In his upcoming memoir, he described meeting with senior military officials in March 2021 to discuss the plans, which he admitted were “crazy.”

Another extract from his upcoming book, published by the Daily Mail, describes Mr Johnson trying to convince the Duke of Sussex not to move to UNITED STATES.

He said Downing Street and Buckingham Palace asked him to speak to Prince Harry in January 2020, hours after he announced that he and his wife Meghan planned to step away from royal life.

According to Mr Johnson, who was Prime Minister at the time, there was “a ridiculous affair… when they made me try to persuade Harry to stay. A sort of manly pep talk. Totally desperate “, reported the Daily Mail.

The men met for 20 minutes on the sidelines of a UK-Africa investment summit in London's Docklands.

The Duke of Sussex (left) with Prime Minister Boris Johnson, as they attend the UK-Africa Investment Summit at the Intercontinental Hotel, London in 2020
Boris Johnson said he had a “manly pep talk” with Prince Harry at a summit in 2020. Photo: PA

The Duke of Sussex (left) with Prime Minister Boris Johnson, as they attend the UK-Africa Investment Summit at the Intercontinental Hotel, London in 2020
Boris Johnson claims he was asked to try to convince Prince Harry not to move to the US. Photo: PA

Meanwhile, the latest extract describes Mr Johnson writing about a point in the pandemic when AstraZeneca was “trying, in vain” to export the vaccine to the UK from Holland.

At the time, the AstraZeneca shots were at the heart of a cross-Channel dispute over exports.

He wrote that he “commissioned work to determine whether it would be technically possible to launch a water raid on a warehouse in Leiden, Netherlands, and take what was legally ours and which the UK had desperately needed.”

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He believes the EU is treating the UK “with meanness and unkindness” due to the fact that the European rollout is slower than in the UK.

The extract says military leaders told Mr Johnson the plan was “certainly feasible”, using rigid inflatable boats to navigate Dutch canals.

But the senior officer said the UK “should explain why we are effectively invading a long-standing NATO ally”.

“They wanted to stop us from receiving the five million doses, and yet they showed no real signs of wanting to use the AstraZeneca doses themselves,” Mr Johnson wrote.




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