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US to end anti-IS operations in Iraq, but unsure if troops will stay | Conflict News

US to end anti-IS operations in Iraq, but unsure if troops will stay | Conflict News
US to end anti-IS operations in Iraq, but unsure if troops will stay | Conflict News


U.S. officials are offering little clarity on the future of the U.S. military presence in Iraq for two decades amid a transition.

The United States and Iraq have said the U.S.-led coalition to fight ISIS in the country will end by the end of 2025, but they have left the door open for a presence prolonged military.

Friday's joint announcement did not specify what the future of U.S. troops in Iraq will be, with officials emphasizing that the move represents more of a transition than a withdrawal.

A senior official in US President Joe Biden's administration, who briefed reporters, said the liquidation would include two phases.

The first phase, which is expected to end in September 2025, will include ending the presence of coalition forces in certain areas of Iraq, as mutually agreed, the official said.

The second phase would see the United States continue to operate in Iraq in some capacity until at least 2026 to support the anti-ISIS coalition's ongoing efforts in Syria.

Defense ties between the United States and Iraq would then shift from coalition to an expanded bilateral security relationship between the United States and Iraq, the official said. They declined to say whether the change would mean a complete withdrawal of U.S. troops.

We are not in a position at this time to begin to speculate or discuss exactly what the outcome of all this will be, the official said.

The United States initially invaded Iraq in 2003 as part of its so-called global war on terror following the September 11, 2001 attacks, with a peak of 170,000 troops deployed in 2007.

Washington withdrew most US forces from Iraq in 2011.

However, the administration of US President Barack Obama redeployed its forces to the country again in 2014, as ISIL overran large swaths of Iraq and Syria.

While ISIL continues to exist, the group lost control of its last bits of territory in Iraq in 2017 and Syria in 2019.

Then, in 2021, the Biden administration ended what it described as a U.S. combat mission in Iraq, with the roughly 2,500 U.S. troops in the country shifting to an advisory role.

Discussions on further troop reduction began in January and involved Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, as well as senior officials from the Iraqi armed forces and the U.S.-led coalition.

The continued presence of U.S. troops in Iraq poses a political thorn in the Sudanese side and has long been opposed by influential segments of the government.

Bases housing American soldiers have been attacked for years by militias aligned with Iran.

These attacks increased during the first months of Israel's war in Gaza, which began in October 2023, but have since declined in frequency.




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