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Bangladesh cricket fan 'Tiger Robi' claims assault at Kanpur stadium; later withdraws

Bangladesh cricket fan 'Tiger Robi' claims assault at Kanpur stadium; later withdraws
Bangladesh cricket fan 'Tiger Robi' claims assault at Kanpur stadium; later withdraws


A Bangladeshi fan who attended the second India-Bangladesh Cricket Test match in Kanpur on Friday was rushed to a hospital after he was apparently harassed and assaulted at the stadium. The fan, who goes by the name 'Tiger Robi', was dressed in a tiger suit – tiger is the emblem of the Bangladesh cricket team – and stood on the C Block balcony of the Green Park stadium where the incident took place. place.

A clip on PTI videos showed the fan being carried out of the stadium by medical officials and security personnel. Later they made him sit on a chair and gave him water.

The fan indicated with gestures that he had been hit in the lower back, according to the video clip.
However, Robi later released a video message in which he denied the assault allegations and said he was in pain due to his illness.

“I was not feeling well. The police took me to the hospital, where I was treated. Now I have largely recovered,” Robi said in the video.

“My name is Robi. My father is not there. I have my mother. My district is Khulna,” he adds. A police officer said Robi came to India on a medical visa. “Robi is reportedly suffering from tuberculosis, a serious disease that mainly affects the lungs, and has come to India for his treatment,” Additional Commissioner of Police (Law and Order) Harish Chander said.

Robi had also gone to Chennai to watch the first Test match of the series between India and Bangladesh, the ACP said.

Intelligence services have been asked to check his visa and passport and to look into the visa conditions. Officials have also been asked to investigate details of his travel history and activities since he came to India.

“We showed the CCTV footage, which was also shared with the media, in which we saw him coming to the gate of the media center and suddenly sitting on the ground and writhing in pain.

“My officer and several others went to take stock of the case, but Robi was unable to communicate the exact sequence of events. But it was clear he was in distress,” the officer said.

He also showed his belly and stomach, but we couldn't understand what he said, probably he was in pain, he said.

Earlier, Kanpur police categorically denied the allegation of assault and said his version would be checked against the CCTV footage.

The Bengal fan was suffering from dehydration and was taken to hospital and he was doing well, Additional Commissioner of Police (Law and Order) Harish Chander had earlier told PTI.

“The Bangladeshi fan gasped when he encountered a policeman and fell unconscious before he could talk to him, but he is fine now,” the officer said.

The incident comes amid a protest by right-wing groups near Green Park, with demonstrators demanding the Test match be cancelled.

Police said they have increased security in the area in view of the international match.




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