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Harris tries to turn the tables on Trump by making the border a key issue

Harris tries to turn the tables on Trump by making the border a key issue
Harris tries to turn the tables on Trump by making the border a key issue



Vice President Kamala Harris took an aggressive step to narrow Donald Trump's lead in polls on immigration, traveling to the southern border for the first time as a Democratic candidate on Friday to outline her plans to tackling what she described as a decades-long problem.

Harris, during her trip to the swing state of Arizona, blasted Trump for his role earlier this year in the failure of a border security bill that was the product of months of bipartisan negotiations .

It was one of Harris' most specific policy speeches since becoming a Democratic nominee, attempting to use her past as California's attorney general to prove she has what it takes to attack Trump on his signature question.

This is the strongest border security bill we have seen in decades. It was endorsed by the Border Patrol union. And it should be in effect today, producing real-time results, right now, for our country, she said at a rally in Douglas, a city on the U.S. border with Mexico.

But Donald Trump failed. He picked up the phone and called friends in Congress and told them, “Stop the bill,” she said. He prefers to tackle a problem rather than solve it. And the American people deserve a president who cares more about border security than political games and his personal political future.

The former president responded to Harris' trip to the border by escalating his own rhetoric on immigration. Highlighting violent crimes committed by undocumented immigrants, Trump told the crowd in Walker, Michigan, that Harris committed these horrors.

She unleashed these atrocities, and the blood is on her hands at a level that probably no one has ever seen in this country, he said.

Trump also once again falsely accused Democrats of letting people enter the country illegally because they want to get votes. Non-citizens cannot vote in US elections, a reality ignored by Trump, who has lied for years about widespread fraud in the 2020 election.

The Democratic offensive on immigration and border security is an attempt to attack one of Trump's clearest political advantages. A CNN poll conducted by SSRS and released this week found that 49% of likely voters trust the former president to handle immigration, while 35% trust Harris.

Harris also outlined proposals Friday to strengthen restrictions that largely prevent migrants from seeking asylum in the United States. And she said she would seek pathways to citizenship for undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as children.

They are American in every way. But they still don’t have a deserved path to citizenship. And this problem has not been resolved for decades, Harris said.

The battle over immigration and border security comes at such a late time in a presidential race in which attention has shifted away from candidates in both parties.

Dozens of people were killed when Hurricane Helene swept through the southeast of the country, causing widespread flooding. Meanwhile, Israel intensified its battle against Hezbollah by striking a building in Lebanon that it said housed missiles.

And vice presidential candidates from both parties are preparing to take center stage next week, as Minnesota Governor Tim Walz and Ohio Senator JD Vance meet for their only and only debate Tuesday evening.

With less than six weeks until Election Day, the 2024 presidential map is still confusing, with seven battleground states coming into focus.

A new CNN poll conducted by SSRS on Friday showed Harris with a comfortable lead in a single electoral college vote in Nebraska that could have outsized implications.

Nebraska awards one Electoral College vote to the winner of each congressional district. The Omaha-based 2nd District poll found Harris leading in the most liberal region of the state, with 53% support to Trump's 42%.

That single electoral vote could be crucial if Harris sweeps the blue wall in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, but loses the four Sun Belt swing states of Arizona, Georgia, Nevada and North Carolina. That could leave him with 269 Electoral College votes and one additional vote from Nebraska could give him the 270 needed to win the White House.

Another CNN poll conducted by SSRS and released Friday found the two candidates tied in North Carolina at 48% each. Trump will have limited paths to victory if he fails to make North Carolina the state where he had his narrowest margin of victory in 2020. And the CNN poll found that the Republican candidate for office The scandal-plagued governor, Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, was far behind his candidate. Democratic rival, as party questions whether Robinson could hurt the overall GOP ticket in November.

The Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee held a news conference Friday ahead of Harris' visit to Arizona, featuring three mothers of people killed by undocumented immigrants or accidental fentanyl overdoses, who blamed the vice president for what they described as a lack of accountability for border security.

This is not a safe time for Americans. Kamala Harris did not acknowledge my daughter's death, said Patty Morin, the mother of Rachel Morin, who was raped and killed by a 23-year-old Salvadoran citizen. Rachel Morin was herself a mother of five children.

She arrives late to discuss this matter. At any moment, she can do something, said Anne Fundner, a Southern California mother whose 15-year-old son Weston died of a fentanyl overdose.

The call was intended to cast doubt on Harris' proposals to address border security, as Trump claims she and President Joe Biden have had four years to do so and failed.

After a dramatic decline, border crossings are currently at their lowest level since 2020. U.S. officials have touted consecutive months of low border crossings, citing a recent executive action to restrict asylum seekers' access to the southern border.

Republicans have cast Harris as the Biden administration's border czar, overstating the president's more limited 2021 mission to address the root causes of migration in Central America.

Harris on Friday sought to leverage another part of his resume: his tenure as California attorney general. She highlighted efforts to pursue members of transnational criminal organizations, including traveling to Mexico City with other attorneys general to share intelligence on gangs and cartels.

Ending transnational criminal organizations and strengthening our border are nothing new to me, and it is a long-standing priority of mine, she said. I have done this work and will continue to treat it as a priority.

CNN's Priscilla Alvarez, Ali Main, Ariel Edwards-Levy and Kit Maher contributed to this report.




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