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US political leaders rally behind Israel after Nasrallah assassination | Israel-Lebanon attacks

US political leaders rally behind Israel after Nasrallah assassination | Israel-Lebanon attacks
US political leaders rally behind Israel after Nasrallah assassination | Israel-Lebanon attacks


President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris express support despite threat of regional war.

U.S. political leaders have rallied behind Israel after massive Israeli airstrikes in Beirut razed residential buildings and killed powerful Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.

President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Democrats and Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson expressed support for Friday's attack, despite what is expected to be a significant death toll among the civilians. Former Republican President Donald Trump does not yet appear to have commented on Nasrallah's assassination.

Hassan Nasrallah and the terrorist group he led, Hezbollah, are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Americans during a four-decade reign of terror, Biden said in a press release Saturday. His death following an Israeli airstrike is a measure of justice for his many victims, including thousands of American, Israeli and Lebanese civilians.

The Biden administration has called for a reduction in tensions in the region, but has shown little interest in using levers such as suspending arms sales to restrict Israel following a series of more attacks. more intense in Lebanon in recent weeks. Israel has dismissed calls for a diplomatic deal and vowed to continue its strikes.

President Biden and I do not want to see the conflict in the Middle East escalate into a broader regional war, Democratic presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris said Saturday. Diplomacy remains the best path forward to protect civilians and achieve lasting stability in the region.

Israeli attacks in Lebanon have killed at least 1,030 people since September 16, including 56 women and 87 children. The final toll of the massive Israeli strikes that killed Nasrallah and destroyed several large residential buildings on Friday is not yet known, as rescuers try to find bodies in the rubble.

Nasrallah's assassination, which follows Israel's killing of a series of senior Hezbollah officials in recent weeks, is a major blow to the Lebanese group and a network of Iranian-backed groups in the region. . It remains unclear what response the group and its allies in the region, such as Iran-backed militias in Iraq and the Houthis in Yemen, will lead.

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told his Israeli counterpart Yoav Gallant that the United States remains committed to protecting US forces and installations in the region and is committed to defending Israel in a phone call on Friday .

The Biden administration has been criticized by activists and analysts who say its unconditional support for Israel has led to a pattern of perpetual escalation and Israeli attacks that result in numerous civilian deaths and violations of international law.

While Trump has yet to comment on Nasrallah's assassination, conservative lawmakers have rejected the Biden administration's call for a ceasefire and called for stronger support for Israeli campaigns in Lebanon and Gaza.

We call on the Biden-Harris administration to end its counterproductive calls for a ceasefire and its ongoing diplomatic pressure campaign against Israel, the Republican speaker of the House of Representatives said Saturday , Mike Johnson, in a press release.




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