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What's happening? DW 28-09-2024

What's happening? DW 28-09-2024
What's happening? DW 28-09-2024


What is the latest news in the Jannik Sinner case?

On September 28, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) announced it would appeal an independent tribunal's decision in August. The International Tennis Integrity Agency (ITIA) had cleared Jannik Sinner of any wrongdoing in August, despite the Italian twice testing positive for low levels of a metabolite of clostebol, a banned substance, during a tournament in March.

WADA has now taken the case to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), calling for a ban of “between one and two years” and stating that the ITIA decision was “not correct under the applicable rules ”.

How did we get here?

The positive test at the Indian Wells tournament led to sanctions in August. Sinner lost his money and points from the tournament, but a suspension was quickly overturned. Sinner, who had previously won the first Grand Slam at the Australian Open in 2024, went on to win the US Open.

His explanation for the presence of the banned substance in his tests is that his physiotherapist, Giacomo Naldi, gave him a massage without gloves to treat a cut on his hand, which led to contamination. The spray used is available without a prescription in Italy.

Jannik Sinner plays a forehand at the US Open
Jannik Sinner has consistently denied that he intentionally used a banned substanceImage: Julia Nikhinson/AP Photo/photo alliance

What did Sinner say?

News of the appeal came in while Sinner was playing in a tournament in China. After a win over Roman Safiullin, Sinner said: “I'm very disappointed and also surprised by this call, to be honest, because we had three hearings. All three hearings came out very positive for me. I didn't expect it. I I knew It's been a few days since they appealed, that it was going to be official today, so… it's a surprise.”

His legal team have previously insisted that Sinner, who has since retired from the physio, was purely the victim of error. “Anti-doping rules have to be very strict to be effective. Unfortunately, the unfortunate consequence is that occasionally completely innocent athletes get caught up in them. There is no doubt that Jannik is innocent in this case.

What about the other players?

Many players have taken into account the small amounts of the drug in the Sinner test. “I have a virtue or a deficiency, and that is that in the end I usually believe in the good faith of people,” said multiple Grand Slam champion Rafael Nadal. “I know Sinner, I don't believe Sinner ever wanted to dope.”

Novak Djokovic expressed his frustration at the lack of clarity. “There are many problems in the system. We see a lack of standardized and clear protocols. I can understand the feelings of many players who wonder if they are being treated the same way.”

Novak Djokovic plays a forehand at the 2024 Olympics
Novak Djokovic is dissatisfied with the way the doping control system works in tennisImage: Manu Fernandez/AP/picture alliance

Canadian tennis star Denis Shapovalov was one of many players who pointed out the frustration that must be felt by others who have been banned for doping violations: “I can't imagine what every other player who got a ban for contaminated substances is feeling now ” he said.

What happens next?

Sinner has not yet been suspended, and it seems unlikely that he will be. There is no indication yet when CAS will review the case, nor when it will make a ruling.

The next Grand Slam on the tennis calendar is the Australian Open in January, when Sinner hopes to defend his title.

Edited by: Louis Oelofse




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