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Zoo In The Sky To Safari Camping: 6 unique CA zoos

Zoo In The Sky To Safari Camping: 6 unique CA zoos
Zoo In The Sky To Safari Camping: 6 unique CA zoos


CALIFORNIA With more than 12,000 animals residing in a picturesque park setting, the San Diego Zoo is one of the most visited and beloved zoos in the country.

While the San Diego Zoo's prestige is well-deserved, animal-loving Californians and visitors should know that the Golden State has many more animal-focused attractions worth exploring.

Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sacramento and Fresno are among the major cities with their own zoos. But if you venture further off the highways, a world full of hidden gems of zoos and unique animal parks awaits you.

These include one of the country's only two alpine zoos, a sanctuary for wild cats and a small zoo that is the state's oldest. See more information about these zoos, along with three others, below:

Sequoia Park Zoo

Some of the tallest trees in the world surround the Sequoia Park Zoo, which calls itself one of the smallest accredited zoos in the US, as well as the oldest in the state. The zoo exceeds its small stature and serves as home to more than 150 animals representing more than 50 species. And its signature attraction, the Redwood Sky Walk, offers something different that even the largest zoo can't. The quarter-mile jaunt, 100 feet above the ground among redwoods, is the longest skywalk in the West.

The Redwood Sky Walk was named the nation's No. 1 aerial adventure park by USA Today. (Eddy Alexander on behalf of the municipality of Eureka)

Living Desert Zoo and Gardens
Palm desert

Although it may seem cruel and “dead” at first glance, the Colorado Desert (south of the Mojave), like so many arid landscapes, is actually bursting with activity from the plants and animals that live there. Located just outside Palm Springs, the Living Desert illustrates the diversity of the world's desert ecosystems with exhibits on the flora and fauna of Africa, the Americas and Australia. Unique experiences include the chance to come face-to-face with rhinos, feed giraffes and embark on a private safari tour.

Giraffes are among the animals of the Living Desert. (Courtesy of Living Desert Zoo and Gardens)

Alpine zoo Big Bear
The Great Bear Lake

Situated over 2,000 meters above sea level in the San Bernardino Mountains, this zoo has the distinction of being only one of two alpine zoos in the country. The zoo specializes in animals found in the Big Bear Valley, such as bears and mountain lions, as well as other species that respond well to the mountain environment, such as grizzly bears and wolves. Although grizzly bears have long since disappeared from California, they once dominated the Big Bear Valley, giving the region its name.

A Coyote lounges at the Big Bear Zoo (Paige Austin/Patch)

Living Museum of California

You won't find cheetahs or elephants here. While many zoos amaze visitors with animals native to faraway places, the California Living Museum's mission is to educate the public about the extraordinary diversity of animals and plants found in the Golden State. Exhibits include bighorn sheep, California cats, Reptile House and California Coast Room.

Cougars and other California wild cats are among the animals at the California Living Museum. (Shutterstock)

Safari West
Santa Rosa

Safari West's mission to bring the wilderness of Africa to California goes beyond letting visitors roam the reserve on guided safaris. After the sun sets, guests are invited to spend the night among 900 animals in a luxuriously appointed tent. Other special attractions reflect Sonoma culture, such as private wine tasting safaris.

Imported from Botswana, Safari West tents feature a private viewing deck, private bathroom and polished hardwood floors. (Ray Mabry via Safari West)

Cat Haven Survival Project

Located in the Sierra Nevada foothills, this Central Valley facility is all about cats. As part of a conservation and education mission around felines, Cat Haven's 93-acre grounds are home to familiar faces like leopards and cheetahs, as well as more unusual cats like caracals and jaguarundis.

Panthers are among the feline residents of Project Survival Cat Haven. (Shutterstock)




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