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Boris Johnson admits he plans to invade the Netherlands to get vaccinated against Covid

Boris Johnson admits he plans to invade the Netherlands to get vaccinated against Covid


LONDON.- Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson admit that ordered military leaders to plan raid on Dutch factory in March 2021 to obtain 5 million vaccines against Covid-19 which the European Union had threatened to ban export to the United Kingdom.

In this context, Johnson assured that the deputy chief of the British defense staff at the timelieutenant general Doug ChalmersI indicated that a raid using small boats would be possible to cross the Channel and navigate the Dutch canals. However, I warned him diplomatic repercussions.

From what Johnson explained, Chalmers – who has already retired from the military – told him that It would not be possible to complete the mission without being detected. If we are detected, we will have to explain why we are in fact invading a long-time NATO ally, he added. In an extract from his memoirs published this Saturday in the newspaper Daily Mailargued: I secretly agreed with what everyone was thinking, but I didn't want to say it out loud: that it was all crazy.

So far, the British Ministry of Defense has not commented on this story. For his part, a Chalmers spokesperson – who now chairs the government commission on standards in public life – declared that He could not comment on confidential security conversations.

The Covid vaccines, the subject of the dispute, were developed by the University of Oxford and AstraZeneca but The doses were manufactured by subcontractors in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. As of March 2021, vaccines were widely used in the UK, but Doses made at the Dutch factory were still awaiting EU approval. London and the bloc both had contracts with AstraZeneca for vaccines, so the EU would have sought to keep completed vaccines at the Dutch factory for its own future use.

The winner of the December 2019 election – promising to conclude the long negotiations to leave the EU – indicated that he believed that Community leaders were acting under pressure from French President Emmanuel Macron. After two months of useless negotiations, I had come to the conclusion that the EU was treating us with malice and resentment because We were vaccinating our population much faster than themsaid Johnson, who was forced out of office in 2022 after scandals including breaches of Covid lockdown rules.

In December last year, Johnson He said he underestimated the Covid-19 pandemic and apologized for deaths that occurred during the pandemic. “I deeply regret the pain, loss and suffering of the victims and their families,” he added during the hearing as a witness in the official inquiry into the leadership at this stage.

Likewise, he stated that take responsibility for all decisions made and understand the anger of public opinion after that The investigation spoke of incompetence, betrayal and misogyny by the government in its fight against the biggest health crisis in decades. Johnson argued that Covid-19 initially appeared as a cloud on the horizon and not the typhoon that ended up killing more than 230,000 people in the UK and infecting many millions more. Initially, the former prime minister said that does not believe in death predictions and that he only read the minutes of the government's scientific advisory group a few times.

With information from Reuters.


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