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Donald Trump Reaffirms Kamala Harris Is Mentally Deficient Despite Republican Criticism Over Personal Attacks

Donald Trump Reaffirms Kamala Harris Is Mentally Deficient Despite Republican Criticism Over Personal Attacks
Donald Trump Reaffirms Kamala Harris Is Mentally Deficient Despite Republican Criticism Over Personal Attacks


Top line

Former President Donald Trump reiterated the claim that his opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, was born with a mental disability, apparently ignoring criticism he received from some Republicans for making a similar claim during a gathering on Saturday.

Republican presidential candidate, former President Donald Trump arrives at a campaign rally in… [+] Bayfront Convention Center on September 29, 2024 in Erie, Pennsylvania.

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Crooked Joe Biden has become mentally deficient, Trump said Sunday at a rally in Erie, Pennsylvania, before continuing: But lying Kamala Harris, honestly, I believe she was born that way.

This comment almost echoed what Trump said Saturday at a rally in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, when he made the same comments about Biden and Harris and said, well if you think about it, only a mentally disabled person could have allowed this to happen. arrive in our country.

Saturday's comments drew almost immediate criticism from disability advocates and some Republicans, including Sen. Lindsay Graham, R-S.C., who, when asked about Trump's comments, said, “I just think that the best course of action is to pursue the case where she is involved. politicians are destroying the country.

Former Maryland Republican Gov. Larry Hogan also criticized Trump's comments, telling CBS on Sunday: “I think it's insulting not only to the vice president, but to people who are suffering from a mental disability,” adding, “I’ve been saying for years that Trump’s divisive rhetoric” is something we could do without.

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Key context

Some Republicans have been encouraging Trump for weeks to stop launching personal attacks against Harris and Democrats and focus on policy differences. In mid-August, Trump said he felt he was entitled to personal attacks against Harris and suggested that he made the comments because he was angry with her for what she had done in country. Since Harris took over as leader of the Democratic Party, Trump has attacked her intelligence, her laughter and her race, suggesting that she changed her racial identity from Indian to Black.


Despite repeating his own claims that people found offensive and hateful, Trump recently accused Harris and Biden's rhetoric of inciting violence. In an interview with Fox News Digital on September 16, Trump claimed that the suspect in the second assassination attempt against him believed the rhetoric of Biden and Harris, and that he acted accordingly. Although the FBI has not revealed the motive for the attempt, Trump claimed that their rhetoric caused me to be shot.

Large number

2.8. That's how many points Harris leads Trump by according to the latest FiveThirtyEights national polling average. The RealClearPolitics average showed Harris leading by two points Sunday afternoon.

Chief Spokesperson

The American Association of Persons with Disabilities issued a statement Sunday calling Trump's comments about Harris on Saturday ableist and inaccurate. The statement continues: Trump's ableist comments yesterday say far more about him and his inaccurate and hateful biases against people with disabilities than they do about Vice President Harris or any person with a disability. Trump supports the false ableist belief that if a person has a disability, they are less human and less worthy of dignity.

Further readingForbesTrump says he has the right to launch personal attacks against Harris despite Republican calls to stop insultsBy Antonio Pequeo IVAP NewsSome Republicans are distancing themselves from Trump's latest attack on Harris' mental health




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