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Imran cited in terrorism cases following Pindi protests

Imran cited in terrorism cases following Pindi protests
Imran cited in terrorism cases following Pindi protests



The Rawalpindi Police on Sunday registered three new cases of terrorism against PTI founder Imran Khan and Bar Association President Gohar Khan following the violent protests on September 28 at Liaquat Bagh on Murree Road.

These cases, which include serious allegations of inciting violence against national institutions, also mention Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur.

The FIR accuses the PTI president of calling for protests from Adiala jail, with active participation from Gandapur.

The cases, filed under the Anti-Terrorism Act (Section 7), also include charges of attempted murder, violations of Section 144 and other terrorism-related offenses.

PTI Chairman and KP CM have also been directly named in the abetment cases under Section 109 of the Pakistan Penal Code.

New Town and Civil Lines police stations filed the complaints.

In addition to criticizing the Punjab government and national institutions, protesters are accused of vandalism, rioting and stone-throwing.

Complaints have been filed across Rawalpindi, including two at the municipal police station, where 15 leaders have been named and 300 protesters remain unidentified.

Around 450 PTI workers, along with key leaders such as Aliya Hamza, Aamir Mughal, Shehryar Riaz and all National and Provincial Assembly candidates from Rawalpindi district, have been named in the FIRs.

PTI leaders and workers arrested

Meanwhile, following the violent protests and clashes between PTI supporters and police in Rawalpindi on September 28, over 126 PTI leaders and workers were arrested and six cases of terrorism were registered in five police stations in different font.

These cases include charges under the Anti-Terrorism Act, attempted murder and various other offenses.

Among those named in the FIRs are top PTI leaders including NA-56's Shehryar Riaz, Seemabia Tahir and Amir Mughal, a candidate from Islamabad, as well as Rawalpindi PTI president Chaudhry Amir Afzal and Aliya Hamza.

The FIRs mention a total of 107 managers and workers, while over 450 participants remain unidentified.

Senior police officials confirmed that PTI leaders, despite imposed restrictions, had called for protests, leading to widespread unrest.

During the protests, PTI supporters reportedly brandished spiked clubs, threw stones and threw gasoline-soaked rags at police vehicles.

They are also accused of stealing police equipment, including wireless sets, helmets and rifles. Police began identifying the remaining suspects using CCTV footage and videos from the scene.

In addition to the protests at Liaquat Bagh, complaints were filed across Rawalpindi, including two complaints at the municipal police station, where 15 leaders were named and 300 protesters remain unidentified.




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