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Tom Kim accuses the American team of insulting him

Tom Kim accuses the American team of insulting him
Tom Kim accuses the American team of insulting him


MONTREAL Tom Kim may be just 1-2 in this edition of the Presidents Cup, but he has been a thorn in the side of the United States, an excited player who pumps his fists, dances around from the green after making an assortment of long putts. and inciting the crowd to make more noise.

This is all fair play in team competitions, but Kim accused the American side of crossing the finish line and engaging in unsportsmanlike behavior.

It was a little fiery there. “I could hear some players insulting us,” Kim said in a post-match press conference after he and his partner lost a thriller to Patrick Cantlay and Xander Schauffele. That part wasn't really, I don't think there was good sportsmanship there. But that's all part of the fun. I understand it. So the American team definitely motivated us to go.

Later during the press conference, without naming names, Kim reiterated that he was disappointed with some of the comments directed at him and his partner Si Woo Kim.

You see me out there, throwing punches and jumping on the green. It's all part of it, I understand. I just don't think it's necessary to look at someone and curse them. I just don't think it's necessary, he said. I understand it. It doesn't hurt me. My feelings don't hurt at all. I hope there are no negative comments. That's not what I'm trying to do here.

Presidents Cup: Ranking|Gala photos|Photos

When Cantlay and Schauffele met with the media, they were asked for their version of what happened and both expressed surprise at Kim's accusation.

“I felt like Pat and I treated the Kims with the utmost respect,” Schauffele said. We try to calm the crowd down when they hit. We're trying to calm the crowd down, get back to the movie, calm the crowd down when we were hitting. It was just take, give and go.

I don't know if anyone was doing that. I don't think any of our guys would do something like that. So I'm not sure what he meant.

Kim's opponent in a singles match on Sunday? American Sam Burns, who doesn't shy away from any negative comments he hears, even from fans.

If they want to come after me, why shouldn't I? That seems fair to me. If people are screaming behind ropes or whatever and saying whatever they want, just because I'm inside them doesn't mean I can't scream at them, Burns said. I think there are appropriate times for this. I think you need to let them know that you're not afraid of what they say and that you're not afraid to laugh with their friends. They think they're telling a good joke. So yes, I like it.




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