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Workers are called to promote the spirit of example

Workers are called to promote the spirit of example
Workers are called to promote the spirit of example


President Xi Jinping encouraged industrial workers to carry forward the spirit of model and craftsmanship to help make China a strong country in manufacturing.

Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remarks in a response letter dated Friday sent to worker representatives of China First Heavy Industries Co, a Chinese company. . leading equipment manufacturer based in Qiqihar, Heilongjiang province.

The letter came after model workers from CFHI, a centrally administered state-owned enterprise, recently wrote to Xi, telling him of their efforts to strengthen technological research and development.

Xi praised their efforts and achievements in tackling major technological challenges in major equipment manufacturing, saying they demonstrated the patriotism and creativity of Chinese industrial workers in the new era. He emphasized that manufacturing is the backbone of a country and the foundation of a strong nation.

Centrally administered enterprises should drive reform and innovation, improve their core functions and competitiveness, and work hard to become bigger, better and stronger, so as to contribute more to the efforts to build a great country and progress towards national renewal on all fronts thanks to China. modernization, Xi said.

He also encouraged CFHI industrial workers to contribute their wisdom and strength to the comprehensive revitalization of northeast China.

China's northeastern region, comprising Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces, has been an integral part of the country's industrial backbone for decades.

However, in recent years the region has faced economic challenges, including the decline of heavy industries and a shrinking population. The revitalization of China's northeastern region has been a long-standing priority of the Chinese government.

Since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, Xi has twice inspected CFHI's manufacturing bases and instructed on its reform, innovation, operation and management.

His recent response letter inspired CFHI workers to promote technological innovation.

Wang Hongqi, who works at a CFHI rolling mill, said Xi's praise and encouragement in the letter made him proud to be a front-line industrial worker.

“The letter reminded me of the year 2018, when President Xi visited my company. He stood next to the machine tool I was working with and encouraged me to achieve even better results,” a- he declared.

Wang said that as a younger generation industrial worker, he will keep Xi's advice in mind and continue to improve his skills to make contributions to building CFHI into an industrial group. world class.

Song Mingjing, a technician at a CFHI branch specializing in special equipment manufacturing, said technological innovation and product quality are the lifelong goals of every industrial worker.

Song said it will focus on solving technological challenges, continue to improve product quality, and make more efforts to achieve optimization and standardization of production skills.

Zhou Huiying in Harbin contributed to this story.




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