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Genuine land reform should prioritize landless people – Academia

Genuine land reform should prioritize landless people – Academia
Genuine land reform should prioritize landless people – Academia


The challenge facing the current government as well as the new government led by Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka in land reform is how to regulate, control and use agrarian resources like land, water sustainably and equitably and natural resources, as part of the government's agrarian reform program. provide “a red carpet” for investments.

The commemoration of National Farmers' Day or Agrarian Day, every September 24, is an opportunity to seek a model and policy for real agrarian reform.

Agrarian resources are very important and essential for the protection and realization of human rights. Land and natural resources are an important part of human life and livelihood, a source of work and livelihood, a source of food and medicine, a place to live, and an important part of the beliefs of various religions, beliefs and cultures.

Development policies oriented towards economic growth and the paradigm of agrismo considered solely as a commodity have led the State to give priority to the use of agrismo and to large-scale economic and development actors. Land and natural resources as economic assets are exploited in order to increase state and regional revenues.

The Jobs Creation Act was expected to create jobs and increase state revenue and national economic growth. However, haphazard investments have increased pressure on agrarian resources, caused environmental damage and uprooted communities from their living space, thereby violating human rights.

According to data from the Land Reform Consortium (KPA), land conflicts during the presidency of Joko “Jokowi” Widodo (2014-2024) almost doubled to 2,939 cases affecting 1.75 million households, compared to 1,520 conflicts affecting 977,103 households during the presidency of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (2004-2014).

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Meanwhile, between January 2020 and August 2024, the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) received and processed 2,639 cases of agrarian conflicts, most of them land conflicts related to plantations, infrastructure, mines and national strategic projects.




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