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President Xi calls for fostering a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation in ethnic minority areas as 75th National Day approaches

President Xi calls for fostering a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation in ethnic minority areas as 75th National Day approaches
President Xi calls for fostering a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation in ethnic minority areas as 75th National Day approaches


(, September 2924) On September 27, President Xi Jinping called for consolidating and developing the unity of the Chinese nation at a major meeting held in Beijing to honor models of ethnic unity and progress , reported a Chinese official. China press agency, September 27.

The event took place before Chinas 75th National holiday on October 1 as part of Xi's intensifying campaign for the Sinicization of ethnic minority regions, with particular emphasis on their ethnic composition, culture, language and religion. Critics have decried the campaign as a move to homogenize the People's Republic of China by implementing a policy of assimilation that marginalizes, or even prohibits, expressions of ethnic, linguistic, cultural and religious identity from minority regions while diluting the composition of their population.

The report cited Xi as urging efforts to advance community building for the Chinese nation.

All members of the Politburo Standing Committee attended the meeting chaired by Premier Li Qiang. Top political adviser Wang Huning, China's top minority affairs official, announced the central authorities' decision to award the models. The other members of the Politburo Standing Committee are Zhao Leji, Cai Qi, Ding Xuexiang and Li Xi.

In total, 352 groups and 368 individuals were honored. With Xi and other senior leaders presenting the awards to the model representatives.

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In his speech, Xi said China has led the right way in handling ethnic affairs with a typically Chinese approach while making new progress in developing ethnic relations of equality, solidarity, mutual assistance and harmony, and promoting the economic and social development of ethnic areas and the lives of ethnic minority groups to record progress unprecedented.

Referring to his renewed focus on Sinicization since taking over as party leader, Xi said: Since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, the Party has focused on promoting a strong sense of community for the nation Chinese at the center of his related work. to ethnic affairs and achieved a new historic success.

The report said Xi highlighted key aspects of how to handle ethnic affairs with a typically Chinese approach, which includes maximizing cohesion among all ethnic groups, adhering to the principle of equality for all ethnic groups , the fight against ethnic oppression and discrimination and an appropriate balance between different ethnic groups. safeguarding national unity with the implementation of regional ethnic autonomy.

He said this path has helped build a stronger sense of shared identity and unity within the Chinese nation.

He called for further efforts to guide all ethnic groups to firmly adhere to the concept of community for the Chinese nation.

In particular, he stressed the importance of strengthening education in patriotism, collectivism and socialism, as well as strengthening the historical and cultural education of young people.

In addition, he called for efforts to fully promote the use of the standard Chinese language, according to the report.

Urging that no ethnic group be left behind in this endeavour, Xi called for promoting high-quality development in areas with significant ethnic minority populations, stronger economic ties between regions and increased exchanges and interactions between ethnic groups.

He urged Party committees and governments at all levels to prioritize ethnic issues in their agendas and foster a favorable social environment for related work.




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