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PM Modi is the savior of India's stolen heritage. It recovers the past and the lost identity of the country

PM Modi is the savior of India's stolen heritage. It recovers the past and the lost identity of the country
PM Modi is the savior of India's stolen heritage. It recovers the past and the lost identity of the country


TThe Vishnu Purana beautifully sums up the essence of Bharat with this verse:

North of the ocean and south of the Himalayas. This land is called Bharat, where the descendants of Bharata reside.

It not only demarcates the natural boundaries of our nation, but also serves as a poignant reminder of the rich historical tapestry of Indian civilization, spanning over 5,000 years.

Bharat is not just a geographical entity; it is a unique melting pot of cultures, philosophies and spiritual traditions that have flourished over millennia. The Indian word for culture is Sanskrit. Since time immemorial, Indians have considered their culture as Manav Dharma or Human Culture, signifying an intrinsic connection with humanity. Culture encompasses the collective ways in which individuals and groups think, feel, organize their lives, and celebrate their existence. It shapes our identity, influencing our values, our attitudes and our social development.

Despite the many challenges posed by natural calamities and external invasions, Bharat remains resilient, a testament to the enduring power of our cultural continuity and evolution. While we appreciate our resilience, it is also worrying that India has lost much of its priceless heritage to relentless plunder over hundreds of years. Over the centuries, foreign invaders and mercenaries have plundered the country's treasures, leading to the loss of priceless artifacts and monuments. The nickname of India being a “sleeping bird” or golden bird is still etched in its identity despite fierce looting over the centuries and aptly reflects the richness of Indian heritage, which has been an object of desire for many.

India's cultural heritage has been systematically plundered and plundered by looters, imperialists and later by organized smuggling networks. Thousands of ancient and medieval statues and artifacts, once symbols of national pride, now reside in public museums and private collections abroad. According to UNESCO estimates, some 50,000 works of art stolen from Indian temples are currently in museums or private collections. The real number must be much higher because not all thefts are recorded nor are all coins exhibited or sold and transferred through legal documents. These are just recorded numbers.

Community property rights

Although these objects are celebrated as works of art filling the corners of their rooms, they represent a deep-rooted cultural identity and heritage for the Indian population. Many statues come from temples, they are the gods and goddesses and have intrinsic heritage value to the community. The Kohinoor diamond, for example, has over a thousand years of ancient history before it was known as Kohinoor. A diamond the size of a chicken egg that belonged to the temples was initially exchanged between the hands of many dynasties. Formerly in the hands of the Persian invader Nadir Shah, it received its current name of Kohinoor. The famous pink diamond caused controversy because it was part of the Jewelry of the deities of Tirupati and Kaladis emerald shillinga. Here are some examples of objects with greater cultural and/or spiritual significance than the simple monetary value attached to them by the community. Social comparisons and modes of ownership themselves will highlight these marked differences.

These facts are particularly relevant when analyzing the legal history and cases of the respective countries. The law in question could be cited in a case known as His Majesty against Lord Shiva.

So even British law recognized once deity, always one deity. An idol remains a legal person even if it is long buried or damaged, since the deity and its legal entity survive the total destruction of its earthly form. It was in the case of His Majesty against Lord Shiva, when a bronze from the Chola dynasty statue was restored thanks to the efforts of archaeologist R Nagaswamy.

It is disheartening that many of these pieces are misclassified as generic Asian artifacts, erasing their origins and the stories they carry. The theft of cultural heritage is not simply a matter of loss of identity; it also undermines national self-respect and connection to history. Objects of veneration are often mutilated to facilitate smuggling, while their identities are altered to prevent the legitimate claims of their original communities.

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Return of objects

Following independence, India introduced several legislative measures to combat the export of antiquities, including the Antiquities (Export Control) Act, 1947 and the Ancient Monuments, Sites and Remains Act Archaeological Property of 1958. The Antiquities and Artistic Treasures Act of 1972 further aimed to regulate movable cultural property. However, these laws lacked robust mechanisms for the repatriation of cultural objects, often allowing smuggling to continue unchecked. It is also difficult to prove the theft of these objects as the property rights may not have been established and the provenance did not exist at the time of India's withdrawal. Apart from the fact that India was invaded, enslaved and many loopholes existed in the legal process after independence.

What is both disappointing and surprising is that since independence until 2014, only 13 stolen items have been returned. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has taken it upon himself to be the savior of India's stolen and plundered cultural heritage, which has been smuggled out of the country. In this regard, the US-India Cultural Assets Agreement, signed on July 26, 2024, is a very relevant agreement and the culmination of years of work during Modi 2.0. A conclusion of these efforts was the back homeor return home, 297 idolswhich were handed over to India during Prime Minister Modis' visit to the United States last week.

A sandstone Apsara from the 10th to 12th century CE, an eastern Indian terracotta vase from the 3rd to 4th century CE, and a south Indian stone sculpture from the 1st century BCE our era were among the objects returned. Prime Minister Modi's previous visits to the United States coincided with the return of 157 antiques in 2021; these include the famous bronze statue of Nataraj, which dates back to the 12th century CE; and 105 from the 2023 visit. The objects, which will soon be repatriated, mark a significant victory for the defense of cultural heritage and will bring the total number of repatriated antiquities to 640.

At the political level, under India's presidency of the G20 last year, the issue of protection of cultural property became a key topic, culminating in the Kashi Culture Pathwayan initiative which garnered international support to combat illicit trafficking of cultural property. The 2023 New Delhi Leaders' Declaration reaffirmed the global commitment to strengthen efforts at national, regional and international levels to enable the return and restitution of cultural objects to their countries of origin. The Rome Declaration of G20 Culture Ministers was adopted, which recognizes the threats to cultural resources, including looting and illicit trafficking.

Prime Minister Modi has strongly advocated for a strong policy of repatriation of cultural heritage. The world needs to think about the obstacles in the repatriation of treasures which are important not only from an economic point of view but are also linked to the cultural ethos of the country.

India's rich cultural heritage is an essential part of its national identity. Although the scars of looting and pillage remain, ongoing efforts toward repatriation and global cooperation offer hope for the future. By reclaiming its past, India not only restores its cultural treasures but also strengthens its position as a nation deeply rooted in its history and heritage. The journey towards reclaiming our past is essential not only for India but also for the preservation of the collective history of humanity. These processes and practices are relevant to the world, especially to the Global South, and not just to India.

Meenakshi Lekhi is a BJP leader, lawyer and social activist. His X nickname is @M_Lekhi. Opinions are personal.

(Edited by Ratan Priya)




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