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Amplifying 10 years of Indonesian transformation

Amplifying 10 years of Indonesian transformation
Amplifying 10 years of Indonesian transformation


Amplifying 10 years of Indonesian transformation

Bali – In order to coordinate communication strategies to disseminate the results of the government's work over the past 10 (ten) years, and socialize the Regulation of the Minister of Communication and Information Technology Number 4 of 2024 regarding the implementation implementation of concurrent government affairs in the field of Communication and Information Technology, Directorate General of Information and Public Communication (IKP) of the Ministry The Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information held a meeting of coordination of public relations on the amplification of 10 years of Indonesian transformation with the Ministry of Communication and Information throughout Indonesia, in a hybrid manner, Monday (09/30/2024)

This coordination meeting, combined with the presentation of documents from relevant sources, focused on the strategy of communication and information public relations departments throughout Indonesia to be able to expose the results of the government's development work over the last decade.

When creating a strategy, setting an agenda is necessary to determine the direction or angle of creating information delivery content. This was conveyed by media practitioner Hery Trianto during the delivery of the material.

“It is not difficult for us to take stock of President Joko Widodo's 10 years of achievements. “For a decade (2014-2024), under the leadership of President Jokowi, Indonesia has laid the foundation with various participations , heading towards the gates of a developed country,” Hery explained.

The publication of government achievements will be optimized through social media, which constitutes a contemporary platform for the public, in this case the public. With the rapidly changing times, there are many social media platforms currently loved by the public, namely Instagram, Facebook, X, Tiktok, and YouTube. Content stakeholders or those commonly referred to as content creators also play an important role in helping optimize posts.

“Different platforms, different audience characteristics and different algorithms. “As content creators, we also need to know the characteristics of our users, so that the content we create and publish can reach the audience more optimally,” said Selebgram Zee Zee Shahab.

Content types are divided into audio, visual and audiovisual. In today's era, people are more interested in content that combines audio and visuals. YouTube remains the largest video sharing platform in Indonesia and even Southeast Asia. It therefore becomes the right channel to disseminate information and government policies.

“More than half of the population of Southeast Asia watches YouTube every day. Data also shows that more than 500 hours of content are uploaded to YouTube every minute. “In fact, YouTube short films have now received over 70 billion views per day worldwide,” explained Senior Director of Civic Strategic Partnership at Youtube Indonesia.

An effective communications strategy is essential to communicating the government's achievements over the past decade. Through the use of various social media platforms and collaboration with content creators, information can be disseminated more widely and in more interesting ways.

The success of Indonesia's transformation under President Joko Widodo over the past 10 years must be maximized through strategic and creative communication. This will help increase public understanding of the achievements that have been made and encourage public participation in support of government programs.

It is hoped that all elements of government and society can work together to better communicate information. It is hoped that the public will be better informed about the progress made and contribute to the development process towards a more advanced Indonesia. Thus, effective communication will not only build public trust in government but also create a spirit of collaboration to achieve a common vision. (copy/pt)




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