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UK becomes first G7 country to withdraw from coal-fired power | business news

UK becomes first G7 country to withdraw from coal-fired power | business news
UK becomes first G7 country to withdraw from coal-fired power | business news


Britain's last remaining coal-fired power station is due to close on Monday afternoon as it transitions to renewable energy.

The closure of Ratcliffe-on-Soar power station in Nottinghamshire, owned by Uniper, will end the country's 142-year history of using fossil fuels to generate electricity.

Britain was the first country to utilize coal for public power generation in 1882.

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It will now become the first G7 country to phase out its use, as the gap left by the gradual retirement of coal-fired power is filled by green alternatives, including solar and offshore wind.

Coal accounted for about 80% of the country's electricity needs in 1990, but has been phased out in efforts to combat climate change.

But this shift in continued reliance on volatile natural gas prices has come at a price, with figures from the International Energy Agency showing the UK has the highest industrial electricity prices of any developed country.

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It outlines competitiveness issues within British manufacturing and the end of production at the country's largest pure-play steel mill on Monday.

Ratcliffe-on-Soar will be the last remaining coal-fired power station in the UK after September 2023.

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2:55 Thousands of steel workers will lose their jobs

These assets have been largely reserved in recent years for power generation challenges such as cold winters.

No coal-fired power plants were paid for standby last year, compared to five in 2022/23.

Coal has accounted for less than 1% of the UK's electricity generation in recent years, although Ratcliffe was in use on Monday, supplying 0.7% of the UK's electricity.

It has been producing electricity since 1968 and has enough power to power two million homes.

We have 170 employees.

Most are retained for the two-year decommissioning process.

Dhara Vyas, vice-chairman of industry body Energy UK, said: “Ten years ago, coal was the main source of electricity, producing a third of the country’s electricity.

“So, to have reached this point in just 10 years by replacing coal’s contribution with a clean, low-carbon source is a remarkable achievement.

“We are aiming for more ambitious goals in the energy transition, but it is worth remembering that at the time, few people thought such change was possible at such a pace.”

The Labor government aims to achieve zero net emissions from electricity production by 2030.

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8:25 What is GB Energy and what does it do?

Efforts to date have included lifting the de facto ban on onshore wind farms.

Energy Secretary Michael Shanks said: “Today’s closure of Ratcliffe marks the end of an era and coal workers can rightly be proud of their hard work that has powered our country for over 140 years. As a nation, we owe a debt of gratitude to many generations.

Read more from Sky News: Britain's largest steel mill halts production Britain becomes first G7 country to halt coal-fired power generation

“The coal age may be over, but a new era of good energy jobs for our country is just beginning. The government’s clean energy superpower mission is to create good jobs in emerging fields such as wind power and carbon capture and storage.

“This work strengthens our energy security and independence, protects families from international increases in fossil fuel prices, creates jobs and helps combat climate change.”




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