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Weaving connectivity towards a golden Indonesia

Weaving connectivity towards a golden Indonesia
Weaving connectivity towards a golden Indonesia


Ten years into President Joko Widodo's administration, air transport infrastructure has seen significant progress.

In the 1990s, stories such as those of Bawean students who failed to pass their exams at Brawijaya University in Malang were a fact of life. Bawean, an island north of Gresik, about 135 kilometers from mainland Java, is isolated due to limited transportation. There is no air transport and when high waves strand ships for months, students like them have no choice but to miss classes and exams.

Many Baween children who migrate to Java for higher education face similar problems. Their hopes of obtaining a diploma are often hampered by the harshness of nature which cuts off their access to the outside world. However, such stories are now a thing of the past and are rarely heard. Infrastructure advancements, especially in the air transportation sector, have changed the face of Bawean's connectivity with the outside world.

Life-changing air connectivity

Now Bawean Island is connected by air to Surabaya and Sumenep. Harun Thohir Airport in Tambak district is the new gateway for Bawean residents. This airport, operated by the Ministry of Transport, began operating in 2016 and serves regular Bawean-Surabaya flights.

Although the first airline, Airfast Indonesia, stopped its services in 2019, Susi Air later returned to the route, ensuring that Bawean residents are no longer isolated. Flight schedules are now available daily, providing an option for those who wish to avoid lengthy and sometimes dangerous sea journeys.

For students migrating to Java, this air connectivity is a breath of fresh air. They no longer have to worry about missing exams or other academic activities because of high waves or unsailing ships.

Bawean is a concrete example of how air transport infrastructure can change life in underdeveloped, outermost and border areas (3T). This once isolated island has now become more accessible. However, Bawean is not the only region to benefit from this benefit. Under the administration of President Joko Widodo, Indonesia has seen significant progress in the development of air transportation infrastructure.

Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi, in a speech at the Expert Conference: Achievements of the Air Transportation Sector 2015-2024 at ITB Bandung, pointed out that the development of air transportation infrastructure has seen extraordinary progress over the past ten years. The government has built 27 new airports in various regions, including 3TP (remote, underdeveloped, outermost and border) areas.

In addition, 64 airports were rehabilitated and developed, extending runways, expanding terminals and improving security facilities. An innovative air transport program was also introduced to connect hard-to-reach 3T areas, as well as to reduce price disparities of goods needed by the community in these areas.

Providing flyovers is very important to increase accessibility in the 3TP area. “Apart from that, this service also makes it easy for people living indoors to meet their daily needs at affordable prices,” said Minister of Transportation Budi Karya.

Besides airport infrastructure, Indonesia has also made significant achievements in airspace management. The transfer of control of the Jakarta Flight Information Region (FIR) for the airspace over the Riau and Natuna Islands, which was previously held by Singapore, is now officially regulated by Indonesia. It is hoped that this transfer of FIR will not only strengthen the sovereignty of the state but also increase the state's revenue from the aviation sector.

ITB Vice Chancellor I Gede Wenten added that the future of air transport must be oriented towards sustainability. The use of new technologies and innovation is essential to creating more efficient and safer air transport, he said.

Building Indonesia's 3T Future

Air transport plays a key role in realizing the grand vision of a golden Indonesia by 2045. According to Transport Minister Budi Karya, this sector can be the main driver of economic growth, opening up opportunities for employment and improving the well-being of people in previously isolated areas. .

Air connectivity not only supports tourism and trade, but also creates new opportunities for people in 3T zones. In many places, air transport is the only bridge that connects them to centers of economic growth, the transport minister explained.

However, challenges remain. One of them concerns the limited funds of the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN). The government is now seeking creative financing alternatives to ensure the continued development of air transport facilities and infrastructure.

In the future, with sustainability as the main goal, air transport is expected to continue to be the backbone of the national economy. Not only as a means of mobility, but also as a key element in connecting large areas of Indonesia, including lagging 3T areas.

Bawean Island reflects the success of the government's efforts to improve air connectivity in Indonesia. From isolated students in the 1990s, Bawean and other 3T areas now have new hope. Air transport infrastructure is not only about mobility, but also about opening up opportunities and futures for marginalized areas.

Author: Firman Hidranto
Editor: Ratna Nuraini/TR




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