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Trump condemned for suggesting a truly violent day to fight crime | Donald Trump

Trump condemned for suggesting a truly violent day to fight crime | Donald Trump
Trump condemned for suggesting a truly violent day to fight crime | Donald Trump


Donald Trump has been accused of invoking storylines similar to The Purge, a dystopian horror film in which officially sanctioned murder is sometimes legal as a possible solution to crime in the United States, after saying it could be eradicated on a truly violent day.

In what was considered an extreme display of demagoguery even by his standards, Trump drew cheers from an audience in Erie, Pennsylvania, with an image of an out-of-control crime wave that he said could be stopped immediately by a very brutal murder. a bad day or a difficult hour.

You see these guys coming out with air conditioners and refrigerators on their backs, the craziest thing, Trump said. And the police are not allowed to do their job. They are told that if you do something you will lose your pension.

They're not allowed to do it because the liberal left won't let them. The liberal left wants to destroy them, and they want to destroy our country.

In a passage that caused a storm on social media, the former president and Republican candidate then said: If you had a day, like a very hard and nasty day with the pharmacies for example, where, when they start going out with

He then paused in a digression to falsely accuse Democratic nominee Kamala Harris of introducing a practice in California when she was attorney general that exempted thieves from prosecution for items of lower value. at $950.

Politico said the remark appeared to be a reference to Proposition 47, which downgraded certain offenses from felonies to misdemeanors and was signed into law by the state's former Republican governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, four years before the Harris took office.

Tying this question to his theme, Trump continued: You've seen kids come in with calculators. They didn't want to go over $950. They are standing with calculators adding up. You know, they're smart, intelligent people. They're not that stupid, but you have to teach them.

Now if you had a really rough day, a tough hour, and I mean really tough. Word will spread and it will end immediately.

The comments sparked a series of comparisons to The Purge, a 2013 film that depicts the election of a radical new party called America's New Founding Fathers in the wake of an economic collapse, which then adopts policies drastic measures to put an end to crime and unemployment.

The criticism was reiterated by Jon Lemire, a host of Morning Joe on MSNBC, who told viewers: [Trump] suggested that there should be an hour of violence, which is similar to the plot of the deeply dangerous film The Purge.

We know how his words have inspired violence in the past, including but not limited to January 6th. This is an extraordinarily dangerous final argument and vision for America.

In the film, the United States is depicted as being virtually free of crime and unemployment by 2022, thanks to a policy of legalizing all crime, including murder, and making emergency services unavailable during a period of 12 hours each year.

Even before the comparisons, Trump's campaign denied that his remarks constituted a policy proposal.

A campaign official told Politico that the ex-president was clearly only joking.

Steven Cheung, the campaign's communications director, told the site in a statement that Trump was reaffirming his supposed credentials as a law and order president.

He continues to reiterate the importance of enforcing existing laws, he said. Otherwise, it's total anarchy, which is what Kamala Harris has created in some of these communities across America, especially during her tenure as [California] attorney general when she emboldened criminals.

Trump, who was convicted of 34 crimes in a New York court in May on charges related to secret payments to a porn actor but insisted he was the innocent victim of a witch hunt , has a habit of demanding harsh punishments for others. accused of crimes.

Last year, he advocated allowing police to shoot shoplifters. In 1989, he took out a full-page newspaper ad arguing for the death penalty, amid outcry over the violent rape of a female jogger in New York's Central Park. Five black and Latino boys arrested and imprisoned for this crime were later wrongly convicted.




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