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Voters blame 'extreme' rhetoric for attack on Trump

Voters blame 'extreme' rhetoric for attack on Trump
Voters blame 'extreme' rhetoric for attack on Trump


A majority of voters blame extreme political rhetoric from some politicians and media figures for contributing to the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump in Florida earlier this month, according to the latest NBC News poll, which is part of a growing trend for more than a decade. violent attacks against political figures.

Just over half of those surveyed, 54 percent, agree that extreme political rhetoric used by some in the media and by political leaders played a significant role in the days after a gunman was spotted on the fence outside Trump's golf course and arrested after fleeing. 37% said it was more likely an incident caused by a disturbed person, and 6% said it was one of both.

Republicans blamed the extreme rhetoric 76% to 18%, as did Trump, who quickly blamed Vice President Kamala Harris' statements against him for inspiring the attempt. Harris said: “Let me be clear: I condemn political violence. We must all do our part to ensure this incident does not lead to further violence.

By narrow margins, independents and Democrats were slightly more likely to say the assassination attempt was more limited to a disturbed person. Independents are split between 50 and 44 percent, while Democrats are between 49 and 39 percent.

The NBC News national poll surveyed 1,000 registered voters Sept. 13-17, but was already on the ground when the incident at Trump's Florida golf course occurred. After the question was added to the survey, 319 respondents responded, with a margin of error of plus or minus 5.6 percentage points.

While voters have often split along party lines following targeted violence against political figures, Americans are moving closer to a consensus that overheated rhetoric inspires attacks. And they are increasingly less likely to attribute incidents solely to the actions of a disrupted attacker.

NBC News asked voters about this question four times following a violent attack or attempted attack on a political figure: after then-Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was shot and killed in 2011; after Rep. Steve Scalise was shot in 2017; after Paul Pelosi, the husband of then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, was beaten with a hammer in 2022 during an attempted kidnapping of his wife; and this month, after the arrest of Ryan Routh in Florida. He has since been charged with attempted murder.

The share of voters accusing exaggerated rhetoric increased after each incident. After the Giffords shooting, which killed six people and injured Giffords and others, 71 percent of respondents called it an isolated incident committed by a disturbed person, with 24 percent saying rhetoric was a significant contributor and 3 % blaming both.

That margin narrowed significantly after Scalise and three others were shot, with 46 percent calling it an isolated incident caused by a disturbed person, 41 percent blaming political rhetoric, and 5 percent saying both were a factor.

Lines were crossed in Paul Pelosi's attack: 49% blamed political rhetoric, 40% said it was an isolated incident by a disturbed person, and 2% said both were a factor.

And a larger share of respondents than ever before said rhetoric contributed to Trump's latest assassination attempt.

Major partisan divisions have each time defined the responses according to the partisan affiliation of the victims.

The last time the NBC News poll asked this question, Republican respondents called Paul Pelosi's attack an isolated incident by a margin of 64 to 25 percent. Independents said rhetoric was a significant contributor, 48% to 41%, while Democrats blamed rhetoric 74% or 17%.

This month, Republicans overwhelmingly said the rhetoric contributed significantly to the assassination attempt on Trump, while Democrats took a narrower stance in the other direction.




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