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Sunrise star Nat Barr slams former UK PM Boris Johnson for revealing Queen Elizabeth II's cancer diagnosis in new memoir

Sunrise star Nat Barr slams former UK PM Boris Johnson for revealing Queen Elizabeth II's cancer diagnosis in new memoir
Sunrise star Nat Barr slams former UK PM Boris Johnson for revealing Queen Elizabeth II's cancer diagnosis in new memoir


Sunrise host Nat Barr has taken aim at former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson for revealing in his upcoming memoir Unleashed that Queen Elizabeth II suffered from bone cancer before her death.

In the book, Johnson said he had known about the late monarch's condition for nearly a year and was told her doctors feared she could experience a sharp decline at any time.

WATCH VIDEO ABOVE: Nat Barr takes aim at former British Prime Minister.

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Johnson revealed that his last meeting with Queen Elizabeth II took place at Balmoral Castle in September 2022, just days before she died and the crown passed to her eldest son, King Charles III.

The Queen's death was officially recorded as old age on her death certificate.

Sunrise Nat Barr and Matt Shirvington on Tuesday criticized Boris Johnson for revealing that Queen Elizabeth II suffered from bone cancer before her death. Sunrise Nat Barr and Matt Shirvington on Tuesday criticized Boris Johnson for revealing that Queen Elizabeth II suffered from bone cancer before her death.
Sunrise Nat Barr and Matt Shirvington on Tuesday criticized Boris Johnson for revealing that Queen Elizabeth II suffered from bone cancer before her death. Credit: Seven

Speaking about the memoir on Sunrise, Barr took aim at Johnson for the explosive revelations.

Dog act, Boris, Barr said sternly.

If the royal family or the queen wanted to release this (information), they would have done so. They all would have known. So, selling a book, I find it terrible, she added.

Co-host Matt Shirvington was equally vehement in his criticism: breaking Queens' trust in this way… just horrible.

This is not the first time revelations have been made about Queen Elizabeth suffering from cancer, with royal historian Gyles Brandreth making similar claims in his 2022 book Elizabeth: An Intimate Portrait.

I had heard that the Queen suffered from a form of bone marrow cancer, Brandreth wrote.

The most common symptom of myeloma is bone pain, particularly in the pelvis and lower back, and multiple myeloma is a disease that often affects older people.

Currently, there is no known cure, but treatment including medications to help regulate the immune system and medications that help prevent bone weakening may reduce the severity of their symptoms and extend the patient's survival by several years. months, or even two to three years.

The revelation comes after King Charles III publicly revealed his battle with cancer earlier this year, following prostate surgery. Princess Kate was also forced to undergo chemotherapy treatment for cancer in recent months after an abdominal procedure.

Royal documents deposited in the National Archives of the United Kingdom are kept secret for 100 years.




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