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DOD Improves Defense Posture in the Middle East > US Department of Defense > Department of Defense News

DOD Improves Defense Posture in the Middle East > US Department of Defense > Department of Defense News
DOD Improves Defense Posture in the Middle East > US Department of Defense > Department of Defense News


The Department of Defense has taken steps to further strengthen the defense posture of U.S. forces throughout the Middle East region to deter aggression and mitigate the risk of broader regional conflict, the Pentagon announced this weekend.

The announcement comes as tensions have increased in the region following Israel's targeted killing of the leader of the Hezbollah terrorist group, Hassan Nasrallah, in Lebanon on Friday.

Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III spent the weekend providing advice to his team and receiving updates on developments in the Middle East, according to a statement released Sunday by the Pentagon press secretary , Air Force Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder.

“Secretary Austin emphasized that the United States is committed to preventing Iran and its Iranian-backed partners and proxies from exploiting the situation or expanding the conflict,” the statement read.

“Austin made clear that if Iran, its partners or proxies take advantage of this moment to target U.S. personnel or interests in the region, the United States will take all necessary measures to defend our people,” the statement continued. .

Actions taken by the Department of Defense include ordering the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier strike group to remain in the U.S. Central Command area of ​​operations beyond its regular rotation date; strengthening the air defense capabilities of the United States; and use rotating U.S. forces in the region to augment rather than replace forces already there, Pentagon Deputy Press Secretary Sabrina Singh told media today.

“Secretary Austin and department leadership remain focused on protecting U.S. citizens and forces in the region, defending Israel, and deescalating the situation through deterrence and diplomacy,” Singh said.

While unable to go into precise timelines and figures due to operational security concerns, Singh said some of the reinforced forces sent to the region include F-16 fighter jets, F- 15E and F-22, as well as A-10s. attack aircraft and associated personnel.

“The Secretary also increased readiness to deploy additional U.S. forces, strengthening our preparedness to respond to various contingencies,” Singh said.

“And DOD maintains robust, integrated air defense capabilities across the Middle East…ensuring the protection of U.S. forces in the region,” she added.

When asked whether the Defense Department had direct knowledge of a retaliatory attack against Israel by Iran and/or Hezbollah, Singh responded that while the Defense Department was not at aware of any specific plan, it was important to take seriously all the rhetoric coming from Iran.

“It's something we're watching very closely, whether it's a response from Iran, from Hezbollah… [or] “Proxy groups in Iraq and Syria,” Singh said, adding that concern over such a response is the driving force behind the decision to strengthen the position of U.S. forces in the region.

“We take this rhetoric very seriously,” Singh said, “and we believe that we [need to] have the capacity in the region to defend our forces and – of course, if necessary – to come to the defense of Israel. »




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