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5 Recipes and Nutritionist Tips to Fill Your Diet with Fiber and Antioxidants

5 Recipes and Nutritionist Tips to Fill Your Diet with Fiber and Antioxidants
5 Recipes and Nutritionist Tips to Fill Your Diet with Fiber and Antioxidants


For home cooks who want to add simple dishes health promotion Nutritionist Rachel Beller shows you some easy ways to swap out dishes that can have a powerful effect, whether it's for breakfast or satisfying your sweet tooth while you indulge in dessert.

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Beller joined “Good Morning America” ​​on Tuesday to share three simple but unexpected ways to enhance your breakfast, lunch and dessert that may help reduce cancer risk.

Nutritionist Rachel Beller shares ingredients to enhance your diet and her cookbook, SpiceRack: A Spicy Action Plan with Recipes to Reduce Breast Cancer Risk and Manage Weight.

ABC News

And while there is no single food or diet that can prevent or treat cancer, the authors of the “SpiceRack” cookbook believe that what people eat consistently over time can help reduce breast cancer risk and help people lose weight by eating consistently over time. We've created dozens of recipes aimed at managing your.

These dietary upgrades include delicious, nutritious foods that research suggests may help reduce risk at a cellular level.

Front load your breakfast with fiber

Beller said research suggests the optimal amount of fiber to reduce risk is 30 to 35 grams per day, which can make it difficult to consistently meet personal fiber goals. I understand that there is.

Her suggestion? Eat 10 to 15 grams of fiber before noon to help you meet your daily goals.

According to USDA research, dietary fiber is associated with lower cancer risk due to its potential ability to help with weight management, support hormonal balance, improve gut health, and balance blood sugar levels. It is said that it is.

Fiber content of common breakfast foods
1 cup of raspberries or blackberries = 8 grams of fiber
1 pear = 6 grams of dietary fiber
1 cup of edamame = 9 grams of dietary fiber
1 avocado = 10 grams of dietary fiber
1 slice of sprouted wheat-free bread = 3 grams of dietary fiber
1 cup of sweet potatoes = 4 grams of dietary fiber

Recipes to help you reach your morning fiber goals

Flourless Sprouted Bread with Avocado Chia Spread: Total Dietary Fiber ~ 11 grams
1 slice of sprouted wheat-free bread, 3 grams
1/2 avocado, 5 grams
2 teaspoons of chia seeds, 3 grams crushed into avocado

Pear Bliss Parfait: ~13.5 grams total dietary fiber
6 grams pear (diced)
Protein powder 1 tablespoon, almonds, 1.5 grams
2 teaspoons oat fiber, 6 grams

A nutritious dressing or sauce for a fiber-filled lunch

Beller suggests packing your lunchtime with nutrients that support overall health, such as a power spice dressing made with powdered spices and flaxseed.

Garlic and onions are specifically associated with lower breast cancer risk, Beller shared from a source. 2019 case-control study.

Check out Beller's recipe for adding spices and flaxseed to your lunch below.

spiced flax dressing
2 tablespoons flaxseed powder
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
2 tablespoons rice vinegar or apple cider vinegar (or lemon juice)
2 tablespoons olive oil
Veggieitude Power Spice Blend 1 tsp
Season with salt and pepper.
2-3 tablespoons of water (please dilute as necessary)

Combine all ingredients in a small bowl or jar. Add water little by little and stir to adjust to your desired consistency. Season with salt and pepper.
This dressing pairs perfectly with colorful roasted vegetables such as carrots and eggplant. It can also be used as a salad dressing.

parsley power tonic

“Our drinks are an unexpected opportunity to make your day better. I love making this power tonic as an after-meal drink, supporting digestion and providing gastrointestinal comfort. , it's packed with powerful ingredients that may soothe digestion and provide additional antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties,'' Beller said.

“Parsley contains apigenin, which prevents the growth of cancer cells and may have anti-estrogenic effects,” says one researcher. 2017 Medical Report About the plant flavone apigenin.

8 cups water
2 fennel tea bags (or 2 teaspoons fennel seeds)
1 handful of fresh parsley
1 teaspoon Ceylon cinnamon

Combine all ingredients in a medium saucepan and heat over medium heat.
Once it boils, reduce the heat and simmer for 8 to 10 minutes until the spices are fragrant.
Strain (optional) and serve hot or cold. Store covered in the refrigerator for up to 4 days.

Introducing nutritious desserts using sesame seeds

Beller says these cookies, made with both sesame seeds and tahini (a paste made from ground seeds), are “packed with nutritional benefits while providing a delicious and satisfying snack.” said.

“Sesame seeds are the second-best dietary source of lignans after flaxseed,” she said of plant compounds with potential anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Additionally, adding almond flour adds a nutritious base rich in protein, fiber, and healthy fats while keeping the cookies light.

sesame cookies

1 1/2 cups almond flour
1/2 cup tahini paste
2 tablespoons pure maple syrup
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 teaspoon Ceylon cinnamon
1/4 cup raw sesame seeds

Preheat oven to 350°F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
In a mixing bowl, combine almond powder, tahini, maple syrup, vanilla extract, and cinnamon. If the mixture is too dry, add a little vegetable milk until you get a dough that can be easily rolled into a ball.
Place sesame seeds on a plate. Roll the dough into 18 small balls and sprinkle with sesame seeds.
Transfer the balls to the prepared baking sheet and cover with another piece of parchment paper. Using your hands, flatten each ball into a cookie shape. Peel off the top cookie sheet.
Bake for 10-15 minutes or until sesame seeds are golden brown.
Let cookies cool for 10 minutes before eating. enjoy!




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