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PM Modi speaks with Jamaican counterpart, uses Usain Bolt analogy to quickly advance relations – News 24

PM Modi speaks with Jamaican counterpart, uses Usain Bolt analogy to quickly advance relations – News 24
PM Modi speaks with Jamaican counterpart, uses Usain Bolt analogy to quickly advance relations – News 24


Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday met his Jamaican counterpart Andrew Holness and said the two leaders discussed ways to strengthen trade and cultural ties.

Drawing a parallel with the legendary speed of Usain Bolt, Prime Minister Modi expressed hope for rapid progress in their bilateral relations.

“I am confident that the outcomes of today's discussions will propel our relationship at a pace faster than Usain Bolt, enabling us to continually scale new heights,” PM Modi said during a briefing. joint press.

Later, about X, PM Modi said: “Earlier today we had productive talks with the Prime Minister @AndrewHolnessJM of Jamaica. He has always been a great friend of our nation. We discussed ways to boost business and cultural ties.

Prime Minister Modi said both countries are committed to focusing on sectors such as education, digital public infrastructure, innovation, healthcare and much more.

“We will also work closely to overcome challenges such as organized crime, drug trafficking and terrorism,” the Prime Minister added.

According to an earlier statement, Prime Minister Modi said India has always been a reliable partner in Jamaica's development and stands ready to share its expertise with the country in areas such as public infrastructure. digital, small industries, biofuels, innovation, health and education. and agriculture.

The Prime Minister said India would make progress in training and building the capacity of the Jamaican military.

The Prime Minister said he and Holness also discussed regional and global issues and agreed that all tensions and differences should be resolved through talks and that both sides would continue to work towards ensuring peace and harmony. global security.

The prime minister's comments come amid growing tensions in West Asia and conflict in Ukraine.

Prime Minister Modi said the India-Jamaica partnership is characterized by the four Cs: Culture, Cricket, Commonwealth and CARICOM.

CARICOM (Caribbean Community) is a group of 20 island nations that are home to approximately 16 million people.

“India and Jamaica may be separated by vast oceans, but our minds, cultures and histories are deeply connected,” Prime Minister Modi said with Holness at his side.

The Prime Minister said the people who migrated from India to Jamaica almost 180 years ago laid a strong foundation of people-to-people connections.

“Today, the nearly 70,000 people of Indian origin who call Jamaica home are a living example of our shared heritage,” he said.

Holness arrived in New Delhi on Monday. This is the first ever bilateral visit by a Jamaican Prime Minister to India.

At the same time, India and Jamaica also signed four agreements, including one on the possible deployment of India's UPI payment system in the island nation.

The four pacts would provide for cooperation in the areas of digital public infrastructure, cultural exchanges and sport.

At a press conference, Secretary (East) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jaideep Mazumdar, said the memorandum of understanding between NPCI International Payments Ltd and Egov Jamaica would provide a platform to explore the integration of Indian UPI and Jamaica's existing digital payment system.

In a special gesture, India named a road in the national capital 'Jamaica Marg', which was inaugurated by Holness.

“At today's meeting, we discussed strengthening our cooperation across all sectors and identified several new initiatives. Trade and investment between India and Jamaica is growing,” Prime Minister Modi said.

“India has always been a reliable and committed development partner in Jamaica’s development journey. All our efforts in this direction have been focused on the needs of the Jamaican people,” he said.

The Prime Minister identified organized crime, drug trafficking and terrorism as challenges common to both countries.

“We are ready to share our experience with Jamaica in areas such as digital public infrastructure, small-scale industries, biofuels, innovation, health, education and agriculture,” he said. declared.

“We will move forward in training and building the capacity of the Jamaican military in the defense domain,” he said, adding that India would also be happy to share with Jamaica its successful experience in the defense sector. space sector.

Prime Minister Modi said he and Holness also discussed several global and regional issues.

“We agree that all tensions and differences must be resolved through dialogue. We will continue our efforts together to ensure global peace and stability,” he said.

“India and Jamaica agree that it is imperative to reform all global institutions, including the United Nations Security Council. We will continue to work together to modernize these institutions,” he added.

Prime Minister Modi also spoke about cricket-related ties and discussed ways to deepen sports cooperation between the two countries.

“As cricket-loving nations, sport forms a very strong and important link in our relationship. Be it the legendary fast bowling of Courtney Walsh or the fiery hitting of Chris Gayle, Indians have a special affection for Jamaican cricketers,” he said.

Gayle was present at the lunch hosted by Prime Minister Modi for the Jamaican leader and his delegation.

Holness also met President Droupadi Murmu and Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar.

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