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List of President Joko Widodo's unique hobbies, from metal music to Moge

List of President Joko Widodo's unique hobbies, from metal music to Moge
List of President Joko Widodo's unique hobbies, from metal music to Moge


Joko Widodo will end his term as President of Indonesia in October 2024. The man who ruled Indonesia for 10 years or 2 periods has hobbies that may be unique to many people, including playing metal music to driving large motorcycles.

Quoted on the official website of the Indonesian president, Joko Widodo is the 7th Indonesian president. He started becoming the number one person in this island nation on October 20, 2024 after successfully winning the hearts of the majority of people.

The man born in Surakarta, West Java on June 21, 1961, is famous as an entrepreneur. He first entered the world of government in 2005 when he became mayor of Surakarta for 7 years, until October 2012.

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Originally from Surakarta, the man we often call Jokowi is “fighting” in DKI Jakarta to become number one. Together with Jusuf Kalla, Jokowi managed to defeat the other partners and became governor of DKI Jakarta on October 15, 2012.

Jokowi did not complete his role as governor of DKI Jakarta because 2 years later he participated in the Indonesian presidential election. He was re-elected and held the mandate to become the number one person in Indonesia.

Five years later, Jokowi is once again entering the race to become president for a second term. In 2019, he joined forces with KH Ma'ruf Amin to “fight” again and win the hearts of the people. Jokowi won again, becoming president for the second time in a row.

In addition to producing a number of populist and controversial policies, the number one person in Indonesia also has a number of unique hobbies that attract the attention of many people. Summarized from various sources, here are the unique hobbies of the head of state.

1. Metal music

One of the unique hobbies of the 7th President of Indonesia is listening to metal music. Joko Widodo's taste for metal music has existed since he was governor. He was recorded as having attended several metal band music concerts.

In 2013, while serving as governor of DKI Jakarta, he was recorded as having attended a Metallica concert at Gelora Bung Karno, Senayan Jakarta. Previously, while still mayor of Solo, Jokowi also reportedly attended concerts of metal bands on several occasions, including Linkin Park or Rock in Solo in 2011.

2. Ride a motorcycle

Another unique hobby of Jokowi is riding a big motorcycle (moge). The head of state has repeatedly demonstrated the activity of riding this “iron horse”.

He was recorded as having done so on several occasions show off using moge. One of them was at the Asian Games in 2018. At that time, he rode a big Yamaha FZ1 motorcycle and attracted a lot of attention.

3. Watch a movie

Watching movies is also one of the unique hobbies of the head of state. Jokowi reportedly watched a number of feature films currently showing in Indonesian cinemas. These films include Warkop DKI: Jangkrik Boss, part 1 (2016), Check the store next door (2018), Dylan1990 (2019), etc.

4. Play futsal

Jokowi's hobby, besides watching movies, riding big motorcycles and listening to metal music, is playing futsal. On several occasions, he often played sports using the football on several evenings.

(Read other articles at Google News)

Publisher: Syaiful Millah




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